
Parakeet Mate what othe bird?

by  |  earlier

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I got 2 parakeets and cage is big enough i want to get another bird thats in the parrot family to go with the keets like a conure




  1. If you're not putting them in the same cage...which by the wording of your question, was implied by stating your cage is "big enough" and that you want to get another bird thats in the parrot family to "GO WITH" the keets like a conure, so instead of jumping on the first answerer for assuming that, maybe you should look at what you wrote and see why she came to that assumption...what does it matter what kind of parrot you get?  

    Do the parakeets come out of the cage?  If they don't, get whatever kind of bird you want, just remember that you have to quarantine the new bird to a separate part of the house for at least a month and have it tested by an avian vet, to make sure it doesn't have any diseases that it can pass on to you or your parakeets.

    If your parakeets do leave their cage then getting a conure wouldn't be a good idea.  They have different energy levels and would annoy each other and possibly attack.  My cockatiel and parakeet get along fine though cage bars and talk to each other all day long, but get too close and the parakeet tries to attack the cockatiel.

  2. Don't put parakeets in the same cage with a conure. Conures are too aggressive and will most likely hurt or even kill your parakeets.

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