
Parakeet diet?

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what happens when lorikeets eat avocado?

i wondering if anyone knows what happens to them?

i think mine licked an avocado seed, but im not sure.

someone please help!!!




  1. Avocados are highly poisenous to all birds and they die within 20 minutes.

    He should be ok as long as he hasn't eaten any.

  2. I think you'll have to observe him closely.  If he's acting normal, eating and playing then you shouldn't have anything to worry about.

  3. If a bird eats avacado they can and will die. If it was a very small amount it should be okay. If you are concerned go to the vet.

  4. A study from UC Davis documents the fact that avocado is toxic to birds and can kill them.  If he only licked the seed, you are probably ok.  But watch closely for any abnormal behavior.  If you see a change then get to your avian vet.  If it was a bite, then find an avian vet immediately.  I know someone who lost their African Grey from eating an avocado.

  5. He might die....he might not....if he's still alive in 24 hours, he'll be ok.
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