
Parakeet feeding times?

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i just got a new parakeet and dont know what times to feed it and hiw much veggies and fruits should be added in his diet.

i give him a 1 and 1/2 of flying around in my basement. HELP PLEASE




  1. Birds do not have a feeding time regime,as long as it has food then it will feed when it wants too.

    Greens in small quantities Broccoli,Kale ,Spinach,Carrot including tops,never give Lettuce. if you live in the U.K.Dandelion leaves and seeding heads just before they burst,

    Apple, Pear,likewise in small quantities,Apple tree twigs or Willow twigs if you can get them,they like all the above.

  2. Wacky is correct. Keep a food bowl at least half full at all times, and they will eat as needed. Veggies and spray millet are a nice daily treat as well.

  3. If you feed it fruits and vegetable then make sure they are organic.


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