
Parakeet help?!?

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i have parakeets and they keep fluffing up their feathers & keeps on scratching themselves every so often. do you guys think that they have fleas or mites or something?




  1. Sometimes a bird will puff out its feathers when you're about to groom it (pet it) -- it knows what you're about to do, and it wants to make sure you can reach all the itchy spots.

    Birds puff up to keep warm; to show comfort; when they are ill (this is a messy, haphazard kind of puff -- they look sort of scruffy); to look bigger to scare off a rival; but also when they are curious, comfortable, excited, or about to get a heady-scratchy from somebody they trust

  2. Sounds normal to me. I have a male parakeet and he does that and it's just preening. If they start scratching like 24/7 then take them to a vet!

  3. If there is no bald spots it probably doesn't have mites. but if you want to you can get a bird spray to kill mites and prevent them. it does not hurt the bird. i used it on mine and he is just great now!you can purchase it at your local Wall-mart.that is just for precaution. your bird probably does not have mites any way!

  4. I have a parakeet. Well, we used to have two parakeets. That is REALLY normal. You know how cats l**k themselves when they are dirty? That's the same thing with Parakeets, except they fluff up and scratch themselves.

  5. Depends on how often.  Every now and then it is normal preening.  Too much preening, or if he is leaving bald patches and he might mave mites.
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