
Parakeet is bleeding from its wing after flying around cage wildly. What should I do?

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My new parakeet is extremely anxious of people and any hands (bought at pet store). While I was changing the water today, it flew around its cage wildly and apparently broke its wing. When I came back with the water, I noticed some bright red blood bleeding slowly into the feather. Right now it is brown so I am assuming it stopped bleeding. It is Sunday and I don't have enough $ to take it to the emergency (it's $150 + extra fees) for a $20 parakeet I bought yesterday. What should I do? It seems to have stopped bleeding.




  1. contact a vet if not patch it up

  2. let it out of its cage for a while and take that bird to a vet

  3. You can take your parakeet to an aviary and see if they can patch it up.  I am telling you never ever let a bird out of the cage you just got.

    You can try to take a popsickle stick and put it where the wing is with a little tape on it and you can use a septic stick that men use when they cut themselves shaving for the blood.  I have had birds since I was 10 years old over 50 years as I am now 60.

  4. Did the bird actually break it's wing or break a feather?  I work in a Petstore and when new birds come in they often become quite frantic and will quite often break a feather.  If the feather is new or broken near the skin it will often bleed.  If that is the case just keep an eye on it and it should be fine provided that the bleeding has stopped.  I would keep some septic powder on hand if this such thing happens again.  If it is not just a feather... get that bird to a vet.  They normally do not charge a lot to check them out, but if it is broken and it does not get fixed, you can end up with a bird with a permanent injury.

    I currently own a lovebird that I rescued from someone that did not take it to the vet when it fell and dislocated it's hip.  When I got it and took it in (which was about a month after the injury) there was nothing they could do for him ... and now he will never be able to walk on that leg because it is permanently fused out sideways, and obviously painful when he trys to walk on it.

    Good luck with your bird.

  5. Well, make sure that every item in the cage is not sharp.. and maybe the cage is small perhaps consider a larger cage.

  6. look and see if any feathers look crooked or out of place. that is usually a sign that the wing is broken. if the feathers look ok, then it might have just cut itself and you can probably wait to take it to the vet.

  7. THIS WORKS!! put some turmeric powder and mustard oil. Mix them together and this will stop the bleeding!!!!!!

  8. If it was just a little blood but the bird seems fine now, it probably only cut itself, or damaged a feather that was still receiving blood; it's happened to me before and it's shocking to see blood on the cage (and the bird). But if the bird seems reluctant to use the wing, if the wing is drooping, held at an odd angle, or if the feathers are sticking out in a weird way then unfortunately the wing is probably broken.

    If the wing is broken, my advice to you is that you need to take it to the vet... you shouldn't try to set the bones as a budgie is tiny, will struggle,  and you could end up just making things worse. BUT if the wing isn't set then chances are it won't heal properly, which would leave the bird crippled and possibly in pain for the rest of its life. If the wing is broken and you can't take it to the vet immediately, take an old (clean) sock, cut it so that you have a loop of material roughly the length of the bird's body (not counting head and tail), and try to slip it over the bird's body. This will hold the wings against the bird's body, preventing it from hurting itself further by using the wing.

    Even though it's "just a $20 parakeet" it is still YOUR bird and YOUR responsibility. I certainly hope that if it were a dog that had broken its leg you would take it to the vet and not just leave it the way it is because you can't afford it. If you really can't be bothered to care for your bird properly then you should probably give it to someone who can.

  9. just because there is blood doesnt mean the wing is broken.

    it was more than likely a blood feather that broke. these are feathers that have a vein going into them. my cockatiel is notorius for breaking these when he has night frights. it  actually takes a lot to break a wing, theyre not as fragile as they look. since its dried up it should be fine and your bird will be fine.

    next time it happens, and if it doesnt stop bleeding right away, towel the bird so you dont get bitten, and extend the wing and broken feather. take a q-tip and get it wet, dip it in flour and apply the flour to the tip of the feather, putting enough flour on it until it stops.

  10. this actually happened 2 my parakeet!!!

    the important thing 2 remember is that u r not a vet!!

    do not give it any home treatments (bandaging, ointments),

    most of the time it harms ur bird more then helps it.

    take it 2 the vet as soon as possible,

    I know it sounds like 2 much,

    but it's really important.

    my bird lived for 8 years, and so can urs.

    Good luck!

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