
Parakeet is droopy...?

by Guest67143  |  earlier

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The last few days, my budgie has been losing a lot of feathers and drooping a bit. Also, not singing or playing. He has been eating fine and his p**p is normal.

Could he be molting? I would take him to the vet, but we've had hurricanes in Florida and we can't really get out.




  1. Most likely your parakeet is molting, but keep an extra eye on it. I've just gone through the past Tropical Storm, Fay, so I feel you there...good luck!!

    -hope this helped!!

  2. probablty molting thats what my parakeets do in september.

  3. he is molting most probably...

    eating good is a VG sign....

    gusluk there....

  4. As long as he's still grooming then he should be fine. If not, there could be an underlying problem and then i'd take him to the vet as soon as you are able to.

  5. Our budgie is in a similar state at the moment and she's moulting. You should be able to tell by the appearance of new feathers, they look a bit like short spikes before they open. It's almost spring here in Australia. If he has been eating fine and his p**p is normal then that's  a good sign.
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