
Parakeet or Cockatiel?

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Hey guys...I have done a ton of research...but i can't decide whether I should get a Parakeet or a Cockatiel. I know all about their behavior, train ability, and such.....

.....from your experiences.....which ones have you enjoyed more?




  1. It depends on what you want in your bird and how much you want to interact with him.

    Budgies are good beginner birds. Its becoming more common to handraise them and they can make good pets. There is a good variety in colour, and there are a couple of different breeds. I would definitely have a friend for a budgie if you are not spending at least a few hours a day with him as they are incredibly social birds (in australia they used to be known as love birds) and will become very depressed without a friend.

    Personally- I would choose a cockatiel- they are great talkers, they live for alot longer (around the 20 year mark) they can get a bit feisty and noisy- but realistically they're not large enough to do too much damage and they are quite trainable. Theres just so much more you can do with them.  

  2. I think you will probably enjoy both.. :P But if i were you i would choose a cockatiel. Or, let the cockatiel choose you :P

  3. if you have never owned a bird before budgies are good for beginners but cocktiels are very fun

  4. I have a Cockatiel and boy is it noisy.

  5. Cockatiel. I had 2 and they made lovely pets, but sadly I had to give them away. Make sure you buy a handraised. I know they are more money... but it benefits you in so mant ways. Oh yeah and get two because they like company.

  6. ive only had a parakeet but my mom had a cockatiel when she was younger and she said it wanted attention all the time. parakeets are a lot easier so if you have the time then you could get a cockatiel but they just need a lot more attention+stimulation.

  7. i have both, but  honestly, i would have to say i enjoyed having a parakeet, they are so fun, loving, and playful, at least mine was.
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