
Parakeet ? please help!!!!!

by Guest56370  |  earlier

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I have a male & female parakeet. The girl has been sitting in her nest for about 1 1/2 weeks now. She's been pooping really big p**p lately when she does get out. She got out a little while ago I looked into her nest with a flash light, Before she relized what I was doing. She has 5 eggs in her nest about a little smaller than a marble. Please tell me if this is normal or not. I thought birds that small had no more than 2 eggs at a time.




  1. it's ok

  2. Totally normal!  I have Parakeets, and on pair laid 7 eggs and 5 hatched, and the other pair laid 5 eggs and 4 hatched.  So it is ok for them to lay a large clutch, just not guarenteed all will hatch.  

    Make sure you are providing them a vitamine/calcuim supplement.

    Congrats on your baby birds to be!

  3. it varies, some have one, some have ten, it just depends on the bird herself, dont worry about it.

  4. Birds should lay 1 egg every 2days or so, but I'm pretty sure that's normal. If your not sure if the egg is fertile or not. Flash a small light into the nest box(when it gets dark). If the egg looks plain and nothing in it than its infertile, but if it has some dark stuff in they're or see some kind of thing in they're than its fertile. After about 18-20days of incubating, the eggs will hatch (if fertile).

    P.s. don't interfere, they know whats best.

  5. This is perfectly normal!! Make sure you feed them 24-7 and do not upset her by trying to handle her! If they are fertile then you will have babies within a month. you should also add some egg, and some vegies to their food while they are sitting the eggs and feeding the babies. CONGRATS!!!

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