
Parakeet quesetion please answer!! thanks?

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how do you know if your parakeet like being otuched there or not

cuz i heeard there are some spots that parakeets like being touched...

Liike, somehwere in there cheek or something :) thanks




  1. I have a parakeet, Apollo.  You can start by rubbing their belly, and if they don't like it, they'll nibble you're finger, causing you to stop.  After a while you can rub their wings (if they don't scoot away) and some like their heads rubbed.

    It all depends on the bird.  Try any where!

  2. budgies like foot rubs. they don't mind belly rubs, either. if you get them used to you enough, they will love head- scratches. budgies get nervous when you touch/pet/rub their wings of tail, and will try to nip you. if the budgie edges away or attempts to bite you, he/she might not like where of how you're rubbing him/her.

    hope this helps! :)

  3. They'll peck you if they don't like it lol

  4. Hello.

    To touch your parakeets ( this fact I read in a book ) You hold his head with 2 fingers ( kind of stop him from bitting you ) then you get your other hand to rub his head & his nose  gently , talk softly , and rub his belly gently too . They said : Parakeets sai Hi to one another by rubing the nose ...that's how they socialize . Have fun. TM.

  5. Look at the way your bird is rsponding to your touch. I cant say this for budgies specifically but when my parrots like being scratched they tend to move their head into your finger, and try to guide you to where they like to be scratched. Sometimes they like to nibble gently on your finger to coax you to scratch them.

    I dont know if budgies do it but many parrots will raise their foot and scratch themselves to tell you that they want a pat.

    My conure LOVES his cere and beak being rubbed.

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