
Parakeet question.?

by Guest10669  |  earlier

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I have a male parakeet for 3 months now. If I get a female and put her in his cage will they fight. Also, how long after will they mate. My male bird is constantly singing and making so much noise. A friend told me it is because he is lonely and singing for a mate. Any advice will be appricated.




  1. Definitely wont fight. Actually parakeets are pretty calm when introduced to new parakeets. If everything goes right & buy a female.. you will start to notice the keets rippinq newspaper in order to make a nest. When that is happeninq, make sure you buy a little nest or you can even make alittle box for them! But definitely try to qet him a friend :D

  2. They probably won't fight, but there's no guarantee. It's more likely for two males or two females to fight.

    There isn't a specific mating season for birds kept in captivity, so there's no telling when your birds will mate.

    As for crying for a mate, I don't believe it. It's probably bored and wants some toys or attention. Two birds will always be louder than one.

    Here's some info on breeding:

    Here's some info on preventing your bird from being so loud:

    Hope I helped! Good Luck! ^_~

  3. Sara, are you from Yakima?

  4. It will take a little time but they will be ok. When you put the female in the cage, clean your cage with both of them in it. I know it seems strange but it gives them a starting point of togetherness and helps them to adjust together because they are both going through the same thing . My birds are now friends and love the idea of huddling together when I clean their cage and get along better since then. As far as mating, they will do that when they are ready to. You can't rush that one.
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