
Parakeet- scaly face mite not going away?

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Hi, I have a parakeet whose scaly face mites won't go away. I've sprayed those mite sprays twice a week, at the bird and all over the cage, all summer but it's not getting any better. any solutions?




  1. My uncle breeds budgies so when we had a bird pop up with the symptoms we asked him for advice.

    He said we should seperate the bird, and put some dettol (antiseptic liquid) on a cotton bud and tub it on the areas where the mites were. This is usually around the face and bottom. You should do this every day for 3 days. Try to avoid the solution getting into your birds mouth and eyes. It should clear up after this time as the antiseptic will kill the mites. It worked for our bird.

  2. If you can't get ahold of the parrafin or other external treatment - you can try purchasing either SCATT, Iverlux, or S76 I think it's called.

    Check - she sells these products.

    Scatt is a topical treatment (similiar to Frontline) that treats both scaly face and air sac mites.

    You place a drop at the base of the neck and it works from the inside-out killing/curing the disease.

    S76 and Iverlux are both treated through the birds water - and take a little longer as you need to do the treatment over a period of days.

    The mite sprays will not work because the sprays are designed to kill a particular species of mite which is NOT the scaly face mite.

  3. Mite and lice spray will not do any good as the scaley face mite is not effected by the spray. This is a horrible desease and can kill.

    Get a little bottle of scaley face oil to put onto the bird to smother the mites. If you cant get that, use parafin oil. Use a cotton ear bud to smother the effected areas. Do this for a couple of days, then, stop for a couple of days and then repeat.

    Its hard to permanently get rid of this so keep trying. It usualy effects week or inbred birds aswel.

    Good luck, hope I have helped, Jane.

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