
Parakeets and a Finch?

by Guest57460  |  earlier

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I have 3 parakeets and I'm wanting to take a friend's finch because they can't take care of it anymore. I'm guessing the birds would get along in separate cages next to each other, but what about in the same cage? All three of my parakeets are males and they're fairly friendly compared to some parakeets I've had. If anyone has experience with this situation, I'd like some tips.




  1. I'd keep them in different cages for awhile in view of each other so they get used to each other- I know you can put them together- but, I think you's stress your birds out- I'd get a 2nd cage and get that finch another finch friend!!! :) Good luck!

  2. i recomend not to.from what i have read parakeets can get fisty and mean they should only be with there kind.finches are watch birds you cant handle them or anything.they basikly flutter in its cage all day thats it....but you can try and put them together watch them very closly for a few days.

  3. maybe let them slowly get along better  

  4. finches are whats called softbills, they cannot be mixed with hookbills (parakeets). Parakeets would over time attack and maybe kill the finch. I would keep it in a separate cage at all times,  also finches are very social animals, it would be best to keep it with another finch, goodluck! check out

  5. Introduce two birds slowly. Although they may take to each other immediately, it is not worth the risk of putting them in the same cage right away. Also, before you get a friend for your friend, make sure she is of a breed that likes the companionship of other birds.

    Your new bird is dealing with a stressful situation. Besides worrying about the two birds getting along, you need to be careful of how you introduce the new bird to her new home. You can follow steps that will make life easier for her during this time of change.

    First, provide separate cages for each bird. Put the new birdcage in another room so they cannot see each other. You are not going to put the two birds in the same cage for about two weeks. During this time, the new bird will get used to you and the new house, and the older bird will get used to hearing the new bird and "feeling" her presence. At the end of two weeks, put both cages in the same room. The cages can be placed close together, but not so close that the birds can reach each other through the cages. Leave the cages like that for three days. After three days, put the new bird in with the old bird.

    Hopefully, your birds will be the best of pals. But be sure not to put them together and leave the room. Stay with them awhile to make sure they are getting along. If they are, they're sure to become best friends.

  6. you should NEVER EVER mix species of birds. there is a risk of transfering diseases for one. also, chances are the parakeets will kill the finch whether you think they are nice or not. best to keep them in seperate cages.

  7. whenever you bring a new bird into your home, it should be quaranteened in another room for 30 days to ensure that you are not bringing in a cold or virus strain that your pet birds have not developed an immunity to.  Also, finches and keets have different temperments and diets, not to mention a significant weight difference.  One or the other would not be able to act normally with the other species around, would not get the proper nutrition, and if a keet decided to, he could easily kill the finch.

    Set them up near each other after a month and they will be happy.  remember, birds live near eachother in the wild, but you won't see a robin and bluejay sharing a nest!
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