
Parallel Universe - Proved but how can it be?

by Guest59173  |  earlier

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The other week I watched this thing that proved that they were true. That these particles were doing it.

I just don't see how it can be possible though. Things in life can't be simply placed into an opposite, there are WAY to many variables.




  1. was it steven hawkings by any chance? but as we know and understand things at the moment everything has to have a balance and therefore an opposite to keep the equalibrium. the many variables is what has made us what we are! when you consider all the variable that have happened over the millions of years the earth has been around to evolve into humanity. they believe that the particle hold the key and have been developing a particle accelerator to smash a couple of paricles together to create a small black hole theory is its either a space and time jump or a parralel dimension.

  2. particles and large scale items do not behave the same way.

  3. ..and every variable would result in infinitesimal parallel universes. Mind boggling eh!

  4. As they say, 'anything is possible'.....

    ps. Does anyone know what this is about?

    NASA has scheduled a media teleconference to announce the discovery of an object in our Galaxy astronomers have been hunting for more than 50 years.

    See link:

  5. If you accept parallel universes then you must accept that anything is possible. Parallel universes does not imply opposites; it implies infinite variations. We may be immeasurably huge or infinitesimally small to others; who knows?

  6. it hasn't been proved as true - it is purely a hypothesis

  7. Not so long ago people believed the world was flat. We laugh at the idea now.

    Now quantum Physics is suggesting that a number of "laws" that are the current basics that everything else is based on may be completely wrong so in all probability in a couple of hundred years people will be laughing at our current beliefs.

    It appears that atoms are actually just energy particles and there is growing evidence to suggest that they can be controlled by mind power alone. This is the theory that underpins films like "The Secret".

    The best explanation I have come across is a book written by a Nuclear Physicist Phil Gosling called Success Engineering which explains exactly how to tap into our own inherent power.

    Phil is now a leading authority on personal development and a best selling author. Reading his book changed the way I look at the world.

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