Consider this....
Every time you make a disision, any disicion. You have made a turn on the path of your life. Every time you make a turn, you enter a different, yet parrallel universe.... A universe where the disision you just made is a reality.....
So you have an endless number of things that you could do right now. So you "Split" yourself into an infinite number of beings who will dicide to take different paths to different universes, and at the very next disicion any one of these being encounters, the same process repeats itself....
But what if there WASN'T an infinite number? What if there were only so many universes. If that was the case then the number of universes would be the limits of the human mind, the amount of disicions that are possible to make at one time..... What if the only thing holding use back from an infinite number of choices, infinite power, is our own mind?
In order to make a choice we must first KNOW how to do it.... So if we can become extremely