
Paralllel parking tips?

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Anybody has any parallel parking tips?

My dad is being such a jackass when he teaches me.




  1. Use your turn signal to indicate the direction of the parking spot.

    If the space is not yet vacant but the car in it is about to leave, wait behind the spot.

    When the space is vacant, pull ahead of it until you have pulled up beside the car parked in front of the space. Your rear bumper should be even with that car's rear bumper with about 2 feet of road between you.

    Put the car in reverse. Begin to back up slowly; as soon as the car starts moving, turn the wheel as far as it will go toward the curb.

    Back slowly into the space.

    When the back of your car's front door is even with the rear bumper of the car beside you, begin turning the wheel away from the curb.

    Continue turning the wheel away from the curb and backing slowly into the space.

    Straighten out the wheel, then pull forward or back in the space as needed to center yourself between the cars in front of and behind you. Your car should be 6 to 8 inches from the curb when you are parked.

  2. lets see your dad knows and you don't know and he is the one being a jackazz.

  3. The S method

    1. Signal and pull up approx. 3 feet away from the car you want to park behind, aligning your rear tires with the other car's rear bumper.

    2. Put car into REVERSE, and turn wheels ALL THE WAY to the RIGHT.

    3. Slowly back-up until you are at a 45 degree angle. STOP.

    4. Turn the wheels ALL THE WAY to the LEFT. (Walter from a driver's school in Canada from recommends that you roll very slowly while you turn the wheels to avoid putting damaging stress on the tire sidewalls and steering components.)

    5. Slowly back-up until you are parallel with the curb.

    If done correctly you should be less then 12 inches from the curb. Practice will improve your judgment.

  4. learn to understand what happens when you go backwards with the car. you'll find the front end moves alot whilst the backend just pivots. Trust your mirrors to guide you, stick the backend in and then bring in the front.

    Become one with the car .....hic..........hic.........

    Practice driving backwards, you'll get there ! ! !

  5. park in spaces that have alot of room

  6. this is how i was taught and it really worked for me.  i then taught a friend the same way.

    turn your turn signal on

    line the center posts of your car up with the one in front of you.  if you're doing it with the big road cones, line your bumper up with the back of it.

    back up, and when your bumper passes the other cars bumper, slowly turn into the spot.  once your back wheel clears the other bumper, turn as sharp as you can.

    when you're at about a 45 degree angle with the curb, cut the wheel the other way.

    finish pulling in.  straighten out by pulling forwards and back a little bit.

    put your car in park.

    good luck.

  7. In order to pass the road test, every driver has to be able to parallel park effectively.  It’s how you demonstrate your ability to operate a vehicle in reverse. Not everyone finds it easy to do.  

    How do you fit a seemingly large vehicle into a spot that seems a little tight?

    The first step is to locate an empty parking space at least one and a half times the length of your vehicle.  Although it may be possible to park in a smaller space, it is not recommended.  Ensure the spot is legal (no sign, driveway, fire hydrant).

    The object is to get your car parallel to, and within 45 cm (18 in.), of the curb.

    Check your mirrors for traffic. Signal your intention to stop by flashing your brake lights at least 3 times. Pull up alongside Car B about one metre away. Stop when your car’s (Car A) rear bumper is even with the rear bumper of Car B.

    Start backing into the space very slowly. As you reverse, steer sharply to the right until your car is at a 45-degree angle to the curb. Stop when your steering wheel is line with the rear bumper of Car B. Always watch for vehicles passing you.

    Straighten the wheels and continue backing. Stop when the right end of your front bumper is in line with, and past, the rear bumper of Car B.

    Turn the steering wheel sharply to the left as you continue to back slowly. Make sure the front of your car does not hit Car B. Your right rear wheel should be close to the curb. Stop the car.

    Turn the steering wheel to the right as you drive slowly forward. This should bring your car parallel to the curb. Stop the car when it’s centered between Cars B and C.

    It’s better to go back and forth a few times instead of taking a chance on hitting the other cars. If you need to pull out and try again, remember to signal and check for traffic.

    When exiting the space, don't forget to signal. Continue to check for traffic approaching in the lane you're about to enter.

    Always remember to take it slowly, be aware of the traffic around you, and be realistic about the size of the desired parking space.

  8. Ok, pull up along side the front car.  Begin reversing, and when your passenger rearview mirror is alongside the other car's backseat window (or tire well for coupe cars), Turn your wheel turn the wheel to the right.  Once you can no longer see the curb in your passenger rearview mirror, straighten out.  

    When I took my driver's test, the lady scoring me told me this stuff and it works!!  Good luck!

  9. When I parallel park, I find it easier to turn my body all the way around so I'm looking out the back window rather that through my mirrors. Be careful though as you still have to watch your front end.  Hope that tip helps!

    And as hard as your dad may be, listen to his advice too. I'm sure he's been driving for a long time, and has a lot of experience.

  10. if you have a car, get you back door even with their back wheel, be about a foot away from the car, turn your wheel toward the curb all the way, when your about even with the driver side door(your body that is, stop completely, turn your wheel all the way the other way, reverse, and you should be all up in it, lovin it strong. It's alot easier than what most people teach, you just have to use your angles right.

    If you have a truck, do the same thing, just use the back wheel instead of the back door.

    I taught a chick that used to take 10 minutes to park to do it the first time everytime. same techniques. It just works!

    good luck!

    remember! you are incontrol of your vehicle, and if you are in front, you have the right of way! Have fun driving!

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