
Paranoia (telephone/friends)

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How do I deal with paranoia? It comes in bursts and I always expect the worst for every scenario

For example, I have fallen out with a group of friends, and they pranked my landline number loads, so I blocked their numbers from the landline, but I am afraid they are going to come round to my house and hurt me and my family

Now, whenever I hear the phone go my heart rate gets up and I hear my mum answer it and I fear the worst - what can I do? I try to build self confidence but it fails

Any help would be greatly appreciated.




  1. Like PAC said, if they hurt you like hitting or kicking or whatever, talk to your mom and if it continues call the cops. Worst comes to worst you might just have to move.

  2. It's not paranoia if something actually has happened.  Talk to your mom about what you should do and consider reporting them to the police.

  3. Ed, I think reacting with a little paranoia is to be expected under the circumstances.  If you feel like it's getting out of hand, you might want to talk to your mom and seeing a doctor as your reaction to these fears is similar to panic disorder or a bad anxiety attack.

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