So about a year ago, my mother and I found out that my father had been having an affair. Since then, he has been back and fourth between my mother and the other woman, but as of right now, he is seperated and leaving with the other woman with months now. At the times when my dad has come back here, she has showed up at my house, written letters to my mother, call the house..etc. etc. really weird sketch stuff.
The other day, a man called my house and started asking us various questions about my dad's whereabouts, details about his career. My dad is in the military, and the man who called claimed he knew my father from the military. If he knew my dad from the military, why did he not now half the things he was asking.
Since the call, my dad has no idea who the guy and is convinced its someone trying to get information on him. I've also noticed, vans parked down my street today.
Am I being paranoid, or is this something legit that I should wonder and/or worry about??