
Paranoid about alot of things.please help me ?

by  |  earlier

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ive been a bit paranoid my whole life but now it seems a little over the top, I'm paranoid about getting diagnosed with West Nile Virus (WNV) cause i got bit a few times the other day and recently heard that some mosquitoes in my city that were tested for the virus were positive. I'm getting a little scared now also because i heard that the virus can have life altering/life threatening symptoms, and the fact that sometimes you wont be able to see any symptoms of the virus is what scares me the most. I would do to the doctors but my mom would tell me that nothing is going to happen but i cant really believe her because she doesn't seem to understand me, I really don't want her to risk my life for what she Believes. What should i do? i think this is going a little over the top now.




  1. dwelling on things in fear mode or paranoid mode will cause negative things of some sort to manifest.  so you must think on all the praiseworthy things in your life.  plus, they really do make medicine's for this problem.  i used to be against it, but i have seen too many people be helped from it.   notice i said if you dwell on the negative, a negative may manisfest,,,,but that does not mean you will get a virus.

    my grandson had 3 bites on him the other day.  at least you notice your going over the top.  the first step to help a problem is to acknowledge it.  good going!!   i believe you are going to be fine.  ps if you can not stop worrying about it, go to a doctor for verification to put your mind at peace.

  2. Don't worry. People get bit all the time. The chance that you got bit by a mosquito that has West Nile is so small. We've had West Nile in our town too, but you can't go around worrying about that. If you're spiritual, try praying, God really does take care of a lot of worries.  

  3. chill THE **** out

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