
Paranormal Activity Following Families?

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Does paranormal activity follow familes. I mean, in my family we have lots of stories about the paranormal that has happened to us, but my friends don't have any. Do certain familes have energies that draw paranormal activity, or is it because sensitivity to these things are hereditary?




  1. Well, I think that probably most families interpret events that happen to them differently than you do.

    You can see examples of this on the ghostbuster reality TV shows all of the time.   They interpret some kind of sound, muscle spasm, etc as evidence of supernatural activity.   A more logical person would attribute it to another, maybe more reasonable cause.   You will never see them carry along a real and unbiased true scientist with them.  There is a reason for this.  There show would die.

    People can get caught up in beliefs, delusions, etc. in which they believe things that may not really be so.   Watch out for this.

    Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

  2. Yes in my family and down the line on my mother's side many of us always have experienced Paranormal events, and seen, felt the presence, and communicated with spirits. I, my mother, Aunt, grandmother, great grandmother, and others down the line whom were either burnt at the steak or hung accused of being witches because they had the gift so strong.

    In our family It tends to go both ways, being sensitive and some spirits that seem to always come around.

    All the family members mention are just the ones whom have it the strongest in the family, others have experienced things, and other family members haven't experience much.

  3. Maybe, I knew this girl who's mom said it felt like she would chase demons from the house out the front only to have them run around to the back door. She seemed like a normal girl. She did show me a picture of her dad ( who died mysteriously in the livingroom) behind him in the photograph there was a painting of a mailbox with a bird setting on it. But in the painting one can CLEARLY see a face that is either in the painting or has been superimposed. It was just a cheap Kodac/ walmart developed photo which by sheer simplicity gives me the creeps. So the answer to your question is watch the true story based "American Haunting" it is the only historical account of some one actually being killed by a ghost in the united states. (Tennessee I think~1870)

  4. A wise man once said, "There is no such thing as a haunted house, only haunted people."

    What he meant was that perceived haunting seems to be a phenomenon that affects individuals rather than locations.  He came to this conclusion because he investigated hundreds of reportedly haunted locations without any paranormal experiences himself.

    That's not to say perceiving ghosts is any sort of gift or ability.  Rather, it seems to be that certain people are more likely to see a certain event as having a paranormal source.  The haunting seems to be an artifact of the subjective interpretation of an objective event in the outside world.  This can be due to a preconceived belief, superstition, misunderstanding, because they were raised that way or some other reason.

  5. Yes paranormal activity or "spirits" which ever you want to call it can follow people. Most spirits are attracted to places or objects that they once lived at or owned, but there are ather spirits that are attracted to human energy, ora, or chi how ever you want to look at that. So when a spirit becomes attracted to someones ora i call them floaters. They sometimes follow those people they're whole lives but sometimes they will become attracted to another persons ora and then follow that person. You can also look at it this way it could be spirits of your family members that stay around to watch over your family as well.

  6. I think that it could have to do with our pasts and also with the locations that our families have lived in. Both sides of my family have lived in old parts of Boston, in old houses. And our younger generation also picks up the presence of spirits....even though they have never lived in an old haunted house like we did.

    It could be that we are drawn to such places because of our sensitivity to it. Maybe it is a combination of reasons.

    Good question! :)

  7. well, the focus of all the paranormal activity i have experienced, was around my mom. she was around for four years, before that time and after that time i have never experienced anything. but during that 4 years, i experienced a lot of things.

    and she is always telling me about something new to this day.

    she is psychic to an extent. things tend to follow her wherever she goes. i loved my encounters, i wish it would still happen! but it doesnt. :(

  8. Both, most families live in denial accepting all things as coincidence. It isn't really necessary to be hereditary but it was in my family.

    I think once someone becomes attuned to recognizing the paranormal for what it is the more likely people will talk about it. Don't forget more superstitious people live with greater fears and are  much more likely to think they are strange if they speak to friends about it due to their insecurities.

  9. I don't know....but the eyes on your avitar are BUGGIN'...

  10. Alright, to start out with. I'm a psychic. I have known this all my life. What I didn't know is that my mother, my grandmother, my great aunt, my dad, my dad's mom all are/were too. It's just they're fundimentalist christians and don't want to admit it to anyone. I've done some research and it appears that most psychics have a person in their family who is sensitive as well. Yes sensitivity is passed down, usually through women. Which is why you get the witch hunts called down on women more so then on men.

    If you ever have a paranormal experience that makes you uncomfortable than you can tell it to go away and it must. If you have any questions I can refer you to people/books that can help you in your quest for answers.

  11. Maybe your family believes in the paranormal and interprets events which occur as being supernatural.

    Another family may have similar events occur but since they have a better knowledge of science are more likely to look for and find a logical explanation which does not include the paranormal.

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