
Paranormal Activity.?

by Guest56859  |  earlier

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From 2 till 4 in the morning people say thats when the most paranormal activity happends.

For the past a week or so iv been waking up at the same tiem each night around 3:20 and last night my music box which play you are my sunshinee started to play and you have to open it for it to be able to play.. it wasnt open at the time tho..

i woke up to the sound of my music box around 3:20 in the morning again and pressed down on my music box then it stopped.

It doesnt scare me, its actually really interesting.

My grandfather passed away may 23rd 2007 around 10:17 pm. I do think that it may be him, in my room at night.. Does anyone have any thoughts on this.. if you do please share. Also i would liek to hear some of your stories as well.




  1. It's no coincidence almost all paranormal experiences occur when we're half asleep.  It's not paranormal, it's self-induced.

    Do the seance.  Have fun with it, but don't expect anything paranormal to happen.  There's the possibility you'll convince yourself something is happening because you want something to happen, but have fun with it.

  2. yes, it probably is your grandpa letting you know he is around and thinking of you.  a lot of paranormal activity takes place at this time of year as the veil between the world of the living and the spirit thins.  

    i don't think a seance is a good idea if you have no experienced members there.  it opens up a doorway into the unknown and there are just as many negative spirits as positive that can seep through at a seance.  leave that to the professionals.

    better to get a voice recorder and play it at night when you are sleeping and try to get an evp.  ask the spirit of your granddad to speak into the recorder if he can.  that is safer.

  3. Oh, thats so cool. Were you close to your grandfather?

    Yeah, like a lady up there said, a seance isnt a good idea if you arent experienced.

    I actually lived in a haunted house once. So much stuff happend there...

    It wasnt a deceased family member. I dont think the spirits were exactly friendly...Well, one of them was.

    It was a little boy.

    Thats actually the experience I remember most...I was in the basement (it was furnished. Thats were my room was) and I saw this little boy peel back the wall like a curtain, from the other side, and he waved at me.

    Then, a couple weeks later the little girl across the street told us that the little boy who lived there before was killed by his father. We hadnt told her about any of the stuff going on. It still could have been made up kiddie gossip, but you never know.

    So much more happend there though...

  4. I don't think it has anything to do with time.So much paranormal activity happens when going to sleep or waking up.There is only one conclusion.Ghosts are attracted to sleeping areas or perhaps beds in particular.I'm sure people who sleep during the day are just as prone to ghostly activities.

  5. Could be him. Seonces can be dangerous so be careful if you decide to do it. I had a dream about a friend that I lost touch w/ & in the dream his face looked messed up so when I woke up I looked his name up on yahoo & came across his obituary & a news article that he died in a car crash this past summer. I think it was his way of reconnecting to me & saying goodbye.

  6. I think that there is a chance that ghosts and spirits are real.  If the ghost is your grandfather then he won't try to hurt you or anything like that.  Maybe you should try to connect with him somehow or try to feel his presence.  I also think that a seyonce is a great idea!

  7. dont tellem at first...haha, lettem be scared. maybe htey'll think its a prank

    ive felt people hug me even thought no1 was in the room. i dont think my house is haunted. i think my grandma is a ghost. and she followed me b/c she wanted a grandaughter unlike the rest of my family.

  8. english woman
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