
Paranormal Experiences? I'm just curious if anyone has had them and what were they?

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When my mother died, I prayed to have a paranormal experience with her just once to kind of have some closure. But I never experienced anything. Has anyone ever had a paranormal experience they would like to share? I am very interested in reading your experiences if you feel like writing them all out. Thanks in advance!




  1. this is my experience...

    I think the fact nothing happened for you either meant your mom moved on.. and wasnt around to "haunt" you..

    or the prayer didnt reach her... or that prayers dont necessarily get answered...

  2. I'm sorry you mother died, I am real sure she looks in on you now and then, some day she may show herself when it's time.

    When nothing happens to me, that would be a paranormal experience:)

    I have to many to write here, but this one has help me a lot...

    Just over four years ago, as I am a single father, and had some difficult time raising my son whom at the time was two. I prayed for help and protection as I felt I was giving up. It all started just after that prayer. There was this ghost woman always coming to me. The first time I saw her was at the foot of my bed completely white with a glow. I felt her thoughts as they pop in my head, she said, "he can see me" she was sneaking one of my blankets off me. I got up later to find my son sleeping on his blanket on the floor, I ascertain she wanted to put one of my blankets on him. she kept coming to me, sometimes as I sleep my third eye would open and I could see her and feel her thoughts in my head telepathy. She was floating just over me, I was scare at first, I said for her to go away, first time I spoke to her, she started speaking back out loud, my first thought was, she's an angel. she had a very beautiful voice, it was comforting. This went on for four years, she would hold my hand, rub my back, hug me, I ask her what's her name, she whispered, Erica. I now know whom she is, she's my spirit guide, she gave me memories of us in two past life times, one when we were togther in the beginning, I was the one who died first, she was in a chair crying I was spirit in that memory as I went behind her to rub her back to comfort her like she does to me now. And another when she again was my guide as she was spirit in that one too, by my side, the message within was she was telling me, no matter how many battles I have she will always be there by my side.

    I had to shorting this four year story..... but what I ascertain through it all is Erica is my spirit guide, she came to me to encourage me to go on. She came to help me with my son, since she would wake me when he was sick, and I seen her come out of his room at times, and there were others as well. But I know Erica and I both lived many life times, we take turns being each other spirit guide, waiting and help guiding one another.

  3. Life is a paranormal experience because it's not really happening.  It's all created by your mind.  If reality were real I would be cool instead of a scrawny loser who has nothing better to do than report harmless violations on yahoo and constantly repeat the same silly stuff about magic powers having scientific foundations.

  4. Well for mine, no one in my family died or anything. I was younger and my parents and I were living in an older house in the neighborhood. One night my parents were in the living room on the gound floor and they told me to go upstairs and brush my teeth before bed. No one was upstairs so obviously the lights were off and it was dark. I knew my way around pretty well though. I walked into the bathroom and turned towards the sink. There was a man standing there in the dark looking into the mirror. I screamed and ran back down to my parents. My dad walked me back up to the bathroom and showed me that nothing was there. Later that same week I was brusing my teeth and I was sure to have all the lights on when I saw a face in the bottom right corner of the mirror. After we moved out of that house, my parents told me that they also expirenced things that they couldn't understand. My dad had a wood shop in the basement and he said sometimes he would catch a man and his dog sitting in the corner just watching him but when he looked again, they were gone. We never figured out who the man was, but personally I don't care to know. I was so scared for like 2 years afterward!

  5. All are telepaths to some extent and also empaths, but this is hard to be proven and more skilled are hiding from other.

  6. Well I will say all of them, I have plenty.

    Well on time when I was like 4 I was sitting in my room just playing with my toys when I hear my name being called. It was a faint scary whisper. I looked around and l didn't see anything. Very freaky. Everyone says that it was just the t.v but how could you hear whispering from the living room when my room is like almost by the back of the house.

    Another one when I was like 8 I was lying on the couch and my hair was dangling over the arm of the couch. I felt a hard tug on my hair [ my hair is and was long] I looked around no one was there.

    Then another time this was all in one night, I was in the bathroom and I was by the sink and I heard this whispering I looked around no one was there. It sounded like 2 people talking and having a conversation and they were talking ABOUT ME!!! I had this bad feeling that whatever it was was bad { NOTE: I could not make out what was being said, I just had this feeling.} So I ran out and tried to tell my brother and his friend but I could not get anything out!! So after that they decided to go outside. No I did not want to be left alone but I didn't want to follow them out!! So I turned on the t.v. [ so it would not be completly silent] and I have this urge to turn around when I did { BIG mistake] I seen this black figure or I will say a man. I felt like it was a bad spirit. It has no face and it was facing me. It was in the corner. It took off like not fade away but like took off and I hear this loud bang like something heavy had been pushed over. So I went outside to tell my brother and his friend and while I was in there I felt like there was something watching me no watching US and listening to us. It would look from the window and it would walk around. No one else felt it.

    Just now the whispering is back again only closer, I turned the radio on.

    At camp in 5th grade I was on my bunk and I felt like someone was trying to get on my bunk. I looked up no one was there. If it was a human I would have heard someone running or the steps creak or something. Plus the bathroom light stays on just in case and I would have seen someone run. And my bunk partner was sound asleep when I looked down. It happened again only different. This was RIGHT BY MY HEAD!! So I was sleeping and I was freaked out to go to sleep and I felt this hand push down on my mattress. Again no one was there and I heard nothing and saw nothing. The nurse made bunk partners sleep on the oppisite ends. So If I was sleeping with my head by the shelf Erica has to sleep with her head facing the ladder [ she called it North Sounth I slept north she slept south.] Plus if it was Erica you would have heard her mattress move or felt it. Then we went sledding and when we came back in MY bag was on Erica's bunk. She has the audacity to say Cayden don't put your stuff on my bed I don't appreciate that. I was thinking YOU IDIOT NO ONE WAS IN HERE YOU GOOF!!!!

    One more thing, when I was in the cole mine with my class I heard this loud bang right behind me! No one else heard it but I know I did. Everyone had the same dream that their mom died and I woke up hyperventalating for no reason. Lets remember that I had bunk 13 BOTH TIMES I WENT only me. Bunks 13 and 5 are haunted. My friend Allison got 5 both times to.

    All the stuff seemed to happen to me.

    I just copied ans pasted it from another question I answered.

  7. Paranormal experiences are occurrences from you sub-consciences. Mostly they occur in times of stress or more familiarly when your tired. Your sub-consignors is under stress when you are, meaning it doesn't do it's job us. The job of your sub-consciences is to  organize and keep your memories that you never really need or use, the ones you won't remember. When your sub-consiences is under stress, those memories are not organized correctly, and they kind of, pop out place. The same thing happens when your tired, hence midnight fright, Bogey man in the closet sort of thing.

  8. Well.... Twice i am not sure if i want to "share "

  9. Lolz. Sorry. I'm a little lazy, so I'll only describe one. When my dad died. I started seeing him everywhere. In my room, outside, on random corners, etc etc. This perticular day, I saw him at school (we were in the cafeteria.) I was telling my friends about how I kept seeing him and one of my friends stated that he wasn't my real dad. Though it may have been partly true, as my dad wasn't exactly my biological father but the closest thing I had ever known, I felt a little upset that she had said it in such spite....and apparently, so had my dad. He appeared out of nowhere beside her. I saw him reach down and pull the bracelet that the girl had had on until it popped. Nobody else saw him, they only saw her bracelet suddenly pop even though it was loose on her arm and hadn't been touching anything when it did. So, naturally, I was the only one that knew that it was my dad. Needless to say, I understand exactly how you feel. I can't see my dad anymore, or rather, I haven't SEEN my dad anymore and I desperately miss him and his 'ghostly' presence.

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