
Paranormal Investigation - What Do You Know About Ghost Hunters Tools, Equipment And Halloween Hauntings?

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Is there a guide on the market somewhere (online / offline) that exposes supernatural events and facts to the curious layman?




  1. there is a lot of tools and equipment. Your asking an open ended question. If your wanting to know about a specific piece of equipment, thats a different story. I wouldnt waste my time on a Halloween Hauntings. Its just another day like any other day. Some will say different, but they are into the spiritual/occult side of things, and I dont go that route.

  2. I just got emailed this link about hunting gear.-----

  3. This should be right up your alley:

  4. There are guides on the market to help show possible supernatural events. such as emf detectors, multi-field meters, FR Meters etc. Paranormal activity uses energy form low to high frequency to manifest itself our to disrupt the natural energy levels in our world.

  5. The Society of Paranormal Investigations should have more information about this.

  6. This site is the best I know about how to Investigate and has some interesting cases too.

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