
Paranormal Investigator?

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I would love to train as a paranormal investigator but don't know how to get started. Any help would be appreciated




  1. This isn't meant as a plug for Yahoo, but I found a Yahoo group for paranormal investigations in my area. Chances are probably pretty good you might find something too.

  2. First, find a reputable group in your area and see if you can't train under them.  

    Second, get a good book.  I recommend "How to Hunt Ghosts" by Joshua P. Warren.

    Third, be patient.  Anyone who tells you they find something paranormal ever time they go out is doing something wrong.  As someone who's been investigating for nearly two decades, I can honestly tell you that nothing happens the majority of the time.  Ghosts and spirits don't generally appear on command.  You have to sit and wait.  And wait and wait and wait sometimes.

    Please feel free to e-mail me, and I'll be more than happy to help you find a group in your area, answer questions or assist you in any way.

  3. I would suggest that you start at that will list both reportedly haunted locations (possibly in your area) and they also list groups by state that you could possibly join.

    After that I suggest an education in science (chemistry, biology, physics, psychology, astronomony).

    What you choose will depend on the approach that you wish to take and what paranormal subjects you wish to study/investigate. For instance physics will look for physical causes while psychology will study the characteristics of people having experiences.

    You might look at the Parapsychologcal Association at they list several members and their various educations.

    Michael John Weaver, M.S., Director

    New Mexico Anomaly Society

  4. as a paranormal entity you should be able to see into that one before anyone else? Find a source you like and seek evidence for delving deeper into its origins. That way you get to the workings and the mechanics of the subject - a complex purpose indeed. Good luck..but you aleady knew that huh?

  5. Check out Joe Nickell and CSICOP.  Sometimes I think he's the only real one out there.  Be warned - if you're any good at the job, you won't be finding much paranormal.  Lots of people who don't understand basic science, let their pipes freeze, and have teenagers.

  6. We got one of those local, drives arround ina nice car witha sticker on it. Sorry spelling aint so good Para..... oh I cant remember the rest

  7. You could check online and see if there are any paranormal investigative groups in your community.  Most of them would be willing to let you tag along on an investigation if you were serious about wanting to learn and see what it about and what they do.  If you're a good fit with them, they may accept you as a member.

    Having some skepticism is good on an investigation, but don't let the skeptics sway your interest in pursuing your curiosity.

    Good luck!!!

  8. I've seen a man driving down the M3 several times with a sticker on the back of his car saying 'Paranormal Investigator'. Try googling paranormal investigator and e-mail some.

  9. Another thing good to do,is,look,and see if there are any paranormal classes in your area.

  10. I have a team of investigators 2 of which I got from other paranormal investigation teams referrals. a few of them heard about my team and asked me up front. The rest I knew and joined when i joined. Search for a team around your area and just tell them your interest and they can let you know if they are looking for someone and in many cases point you to groups that are beginning or another that may be looking for investigators. I have on many cases allowed someone to tag along to get their feet wet. Reading equipment and such would be good if you knew but most teams will train.

    Good luck in your quest.

  11. Um, check out the ghost hunting websites - anyone can become a ghost hunter, and its easy. < this is a good website to help get started.

    All you really need is a few friends, a couple of cameras and maybe a bit of spare time. =)

    Taking photos isn't all there is to ghost hunting, so it helps to take a bit of logic and science along too...

    To become a well recoginized investigator though, you'll need to start off small and find a group. (Check out the local paper, ads on the internet, yellowpages?, police department even)

    You can ask to volunteer, and who knows? Maybe you'll get lucky?

  12. Look for a ghost hunting group in your area and tell them you would like to join them.

  13. google a paranormal investigative team in your area.  join the group and go on hunts.  most groups will welcome  you and someone will take you under their wing in order to 'train' you.

  14. Actually this is an easy one. As being a paranormal investigator I can give you a few places to start. First of all Google paranormal groups in your area see if there are any groups close to you, if thats the route you want to take, if not there are books at your local library to help you start to train as a paranormal investigator, there are even radio shows and places to go to get started Iamhaunted is a paranormal forum of sorts and they can help, Blog Talk Radio/Ghost support features a variety of different shows that help with the paranormal (One of my group members has a radio show on Tues. evenings at 9 p.m. and is an hour long show he has a variety of people that he chats with to help people like you who want to start your own group.)

    Feel free to email me @ or or feel free to visit my groups website at

    I hope this helps you a little bit.

  15. I think it's great that you want to investigate the paranormal.  However, make sure you keep a skeptical frame of mind when doing so.  In other words, if you see something that at first glance appears to be unusual, don't just jump to the conclusion that you've witnessed a ghost.  This is the major mistake made by "ghost" hunters (or anomaly hunters as I like to call them).  They seek out things (anomalies) that seem unusual and, rather than find some reasonable and natural explanation, assume all of those anomalies are ghosts.

    This is operating under a false dichotomy.  In the world of most ghost hunters, something is either natural or it's a ghost.  Why does something (much less everything) need to be a ghost?  Why not a pixie or a hobgoblin or a leprechaun?

  16. I think it's noble when one enters a profession for non-monetary reasons.Unless you get a TV show or make a real discovery.Chances are you will not get wealthy.Good luck.

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