
Paranormal Researcher?

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what field does a person need to study to become a paranormal researcher ?.. and also if u know what institute or people teach about it ?




  1. Paranormal Researchers are just weekend enthusiast who have day jobs in other fields..  Most researchers join clubs like the American Ghost society or meet ups on and they read everything they can in books and websites then apply what they have learned actually going ghost hunting.

    Everyone I have ever known who asks about paranormal studies or parapsychology at actual Universities get odd looks from the counselor helping them decide what courses to take.

    I blame this misconception on the weekend hobbyists who deliberately mislead people into believing they are actual scientists.

    There are many websites and books, I will not even post a link to websites but a very good book I like is the Ghost Hunter's Bible by Trent Brandon. There are other great books I have many, but this book will get you started.



  2. Your best field of study would be poker.

    That’s where you learn to pick up information by watching your customers closely.

    By watching someone’s actions and facial expressions you can figure out what he’s interested in and what he’s looking for.

    Use this information and use mystical sounding sentences and you can convince your customer and charge accordingly. Always tell him what he wants to hear so he won’t mind paying for your services.

  3. I call it 'Life 101'. A caring awareness of others, experience in psychology, some first-hand paranormal events and a desire to find out what's going on! Being a Christian doesn't hurt, either.

  4. Study Quantum Physics, but I warn you the math of it is a nail to the skull, very advanced and rough trust me. Physics is the closest. But their are degrees and the controversial Metaphysics. But metaphysics, theoretical Physics, or Physical science I recommend.

  5. There really aren't any jobs for paranormal researchers, or a degree you can get in it.  Probably as close as you can get would be a science degree.  If you're interested in research, get a PhD.  Good fields would be psychology or physics - but they aren't going to teach you about the paranormal; they are going to teach you how to do science.  Then you can apply that to whatever you want.

    The only real institutes I know who investigate it are CSICOP and the James Randi Foundation.  Joe Nickell is perhaps the only person being paid to investigate the paranormal.

  6. It really depends what you want to study.  Whatever it is it will require a PhD if you want to be the guy in control of it.  Psychology helps if you're interested in parapsychology.

  7. You don't have to have a degree to be a paranormal reasearcher I don't believe.  I am part of a group that just does a lot of research atm and there isn't much going on with it, but yea I am considered a paranormal researcher.

  8. This question has been asked since the dawn of time.  If you want to start research, just remember it wouldn't be research if we knew what we were doing.
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