
Paranormal Sleeping?

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Have you ever went in a dream that felt real but in that dream you couldn't move or scream?




  1. Yes, The R Lymbic (thought by some to be a vestige of a reptillian brain from far back in our evolutionary path) shuts down the bodies movements so we do not thrash about in our sleep. Sometimes this malfunctions and we talk in our sleep and sleep walk. There is nothing paranormal about it.

  2. That is not uncommon. Its called sleep paralysis. Its not really paranormal. Its usually caused by one of the following reason, sleeping disorder, stress, changed sleeping patterns.

    I used to get this a lot.

    This is not the same thing as a night terror. Sleep paralysis is more of a hallucination than a dream.

    for more details look up sleep paralysis on

  3. yes i have and i found out your inbetween astral almost there but not quite. Your body wants to get out but is awake. I had this alot as a teenager and I had many flying dreams.

  4. Absolutely!  I just try so hard to scream and I end up waking myself with that scream.  One time, I was completely paralyzed when a red, constantly shifting cloud with golden eyes formed in front of me. I could have sworn it was something like a demon, but I absolutely couldn't move anything even though I wanted to scream. Finally, I thought, "In the name of Jesus go away" my mind kept repeating it and I woke myself saying those very words. But it made me panic even though I knew it was just a night terror. I get them often, even though I'm about thirty years too old for them.

    It's very often that I will have a dream or a night terror that seems real. I watch other people and I can see things happening but I can't affect what is going on. Again, it's like I'm paralyzed and powerless.  I sometimes have precog dreams.  I've predicted a lot of things or felt them as they happened.  It used to freak me out, now I just write them down and -- if they come true -- I know it was a "real" precog dream. But my most common type is lucid dreaming (unlike the dreams discussed above). Most of the time I can tell myself to stop dreaming something or change something about it, but sometimes I am absolutely paralyzed.

  5. You might be referring to sleep paralysis.  It's not paranormal; it's a documented sleep disorder.

  6. yes i felt it before but it may be due to a heavy meal in the dinner

  7. All my dreams feel real to me, as most of them are messages from  my guides. But when you can't move or scream, chances are you're astral traveling (aka: out of body experiences). When you travel, it's necessary for your physical body to be as straight as possible. I'm not even sure why, honestly, I just know I travel a lot at night at that my spirit guides makes sure to arrange my body so that I'm laying straight. When you wake up from dreams like that, do you tend to feel like you've been drugged? Like a really heavy sleep you have trouble pulling yourself out of, and your body feels really heavy? That's a big sign you've been traveling.

    So chances are, what you see in that dream are things you saw while you were on the astral plane. I've seen some pretty wonky stuff myself. lol But you're perfectly safe.
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