
Paranormal State - why the medals?

by Guest60800  |  earlier

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Okay so I watch the show "Paranormal State" on A&E but have a question. In a lot of the episodes, Ryan and the crew give the people Saint Michael medals. I know they are for further protection, but why Saint Michael and not another Saint?

From searching, I've only been able to find that Saint Michael is the patron saint of police officers and EMTs, so why would he offer extra protection from the paranormal? I'm not very religious, and I don't know a lot about saints, so if anyone could tell me why Saint Michael I'd be very grateful!




  1. The power of the medallion (or any fetish) is a lot like voodoo (and Tinkerbell)--its power is derived in the belief of the individual. It serves as a fetish to symbolize a person's belief system.

    If you cast a voodoo spell on me it won't have any effect unless I both believe in the power of the spell and know that you cast it. Even then, the effectiveness of the spell will only be as powerful as my ability to "feel" it psychosomatically. So, I can have general crappy symptoms (which are subjective and unquantifiable) but I won't display any symptoms of a disease (which would be objective and diagnosable). In other words, it's all in my head.

    The same goes for the St. Michael medallion, a rabbit's foot, exorcism, sage burning, sprinkling salt or any other arbitrary ritual or fetish. Because the perceived haunting was imagined to begin with, by acknowledging the power of the ritual or fetish the true believer is given the cue to psychologically eliminate the perceived haunting. An imaginary magic ritual wipes out an imaginary magic curse--they cancel each other out and it ends up being a wash.

    This is why I see perceived hauntings as artifacts of human psychology--there are always elements of the person's culture, background and education. Why else would a Catholic see demons when a Protestant doesn't? Our beliefs don't always follow our perceived experiences. Sometimes our belief systems inform our interpretation of the world around us. PS gives us many examples of this.

  2. Well that would be because the show is complete fiction. When you're producing a fictional program, you can make up whatever c**p you want.

  3. It was probably an arbitrary choice.  They probably drawed straws.

  4. According to Roman Catholism, Saint Michael is an archangel, a defender of God's kingdom and a warrior against Satan and his fallen. He is often depicted with his sword drawn and satan under his heel. In angellic studies, he is one of the most experienced and skilled of the archangels. The prayer often associated with him starts as:

    St. Michael the Archangel

    Defend us in battle.

    Be our protection

    Against the wickedness and snares of the devil.

  5. It could be because he is the top banana, or more likely they got a discount on a bulk purchase of St Mick medals.

  6. Because Ryan is Catholic and feels the imprinted medals will work like wearing garlic to keep the vampires away.

    That's what I don't like about the program. It centers around their religious beliefs.

    But what I do find odd is that a Pagan/Wiccan is the one that can call upon nature to cast it's ring of protection around the group.

    That is so friggin' lame.

    Then again, so is that show.

  7. In Catholicism, St. Michael is also an Archangel and a leader of the forces of heaven in their triumph over the powers of h**l. Since the Paranormal State group like to say that they are "warriors" against demonic activity, I guess it stands to reason that St. Michael would be their chosen patron. Curiously, St. Michael is also the patron saint of grocers. I don't get that.

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