
Paranormal Things?!?!?

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What was the most scaryiest, freakiest, thing thats ever happened to you? Can you give me sites of paranormal pictures?!?!?! I Like To Believe IN It, Its Fun.




  1. This pencil rolled off the desk while I was hacksawing part of the table top off... but I never touched it!!

    WoW.. still haunts me! Must have been demons or something!

  2. Nothing paranormal happened to me, wish it would though :-D

  3. I had a dream about a friend of mine I lost touch w/ & in the dream his face was messed up. So when I woke up I looked his name up online & came across his obit & a newstory that he died in a car crash. Can't get much more paranormal then that

  4. i have had many! anything from seeing people that are dead to unexplainabel noises to lights turning themselves on and off to doors slamming open and shut to tv channels changing when remote is on the table and the volume is going up and down.

    the scariest paranormal experience i had though was one time me and my parents were riding horses. well it was late and we were on our way home. it wa but 9:00 so it was dark. we were riding down this one rd and we were all quiet. well i got the creeps and looked around and i saw hundreds of white faces w/ black eyes and mouths and very unoticable noses! they were on each side of the road in the woods as far as the eye could see. there was kids and adults. they just stood there and watched us. i wa quiet w/ shock and fear at that moment when i was watching this goin on. i noticed that my horse was breathing hard and was acting spooky but was walike extremely slow, which she's a natural fast walker. i kicked her up and caught up w/ my parents. we got to this gates and my dad was asking these people to open it for us to get through. i wasn't going to say anything bout what i saw cuz i knew that no one would belive me but then my mom pipedup and said that was really creepy. i have never been so scared. i asked her what and she described to me exaclty what i had seen. so she had seen the ghosts too.

    it was very scary!

    another wierd thing that had happened to me is that my cousin who live right next door to me(he was like my brother) had gotten hit by a car at the age 14 and died. well a couple days after he died, me, my parents, my sister, her b/f, and a couple of my neighbors were outside just talking. well i wondered off cuz i was 12 and bored w/ the adult conversation. it was dark outside, i don't remember what time it was, but i went to our shedand i thought i had saw someone around the back of the shed so i went to go check it out, well when i went to the back i saw a silhouetted figure and then i seen its face and it was my cousine who had died. i gasped and said his nam and he smiled and dissapeared. that night when i went to sleep i had a dream about him. he told me he was ok and in a better place and to stop crying over him and that it was him that i had seen that night. then he told me that he will always be watching over me to make sure nothing will happen to me and that everytime i cry just think of when we had hung out and the good times and to cheer up!

    that wasn't scary at all, it was very reassuring!

  5. There have been a lot of them, and some of them have scared me.

    The one that gave me the biggest fright was the ghost of a white dog that literally dived under the right hand front tire of my car.It was a lonely street at night, and I was driving slowly making a right had turn. I had a friend in the car with me, we both saw it, but there was no bump and no dog.

    She and I both adore dogs, which is why it was so terrifying. I had to stop and compose myself before I could drive on.

  6. I used witchcraft to call forth spirit creatures... at first it was just for fun, but after a while things in my life all went downhill... it led me to a dark place, one that I never want to return to again...

  7. I have too many, so will tell you the most recent.  A week ago at a restaurant, the owner's son, 6, came over and said he had something to show me down the basement, it was a surprise.  Knowing the owners, I finally said ok, because he was so persistent.  We go downstairs and he's jabbering away looking for something room to room and back again.  So I asked what he was looking for so I could help.  He said he knew 'he' was there somewhere, just follow him.  So back and forth a couple of times and I'm getting impatient wanting to go back upstairs.  Finally he says, "Oh, there he is!" and walks to a corner and 'pulls' out  his friend.  "This is Ben. Say Hi."  No one there and he kept talking to him like he was real and said Ben was too tired to talk to me now! Okay.....

  8. Fun? I guess I rather agree. I don't know about fun, but certainly comforting. I am the woman in Poltergeist that is so amazed that the chairs slide across the room I keep repeating the feat in fascination. LOL.  I am trying to remember the freakiest thing... there have been so many....

    Let's see..... Once when I was 13 I was sleeping over a friends  house. I was sleeping in her sisters bed for the night while she slept in her own. I come from a very musical background and as I lay there and drifted off to sleep (this is no joke) I dreamt of a big hamburger , as in a commercial, it was a double decker with toasted bun, lettuce, tomato, made of real meat and looked delectable. Meanwhile as I am viewing this hamburger there is music playing in the background and I guess that was leading somewhere in the dream world... but my friend woke me up. "Kim, Kim..... do you hear that"? I listened for a minute and heard nothing. SHe admitted that whatever she heard had stopped. I explained that I was just dreaming of a hamburger and that there was definitive music in the background of the dream and that she was probably just about to dream something herself and that is what she heard , the beginnings of a dream about to take place. She liked my explaination and we agreed to go to sleep.  There I lay with my eyes closed only this time I heard distinct footsteps, creaking about the room. "Fran, Fran...wake up... i hear it....". "I'm Up Kim, I hear it too" We agreee to count to three and then jump up and turn the light switch on, then she will pull me to her bed as we held hands.

    1...2....3....flick, lights on, jump to her bed, all goes as planned. Now I am in her bed,. we are shivering in fear.... we are holding hands tight.... but just because the light is on  did not mean that the footsteps would stop. We could hear them as plain as day and they were right next to us. We are sitting there shivering in disbelief. So we said let's point to where we hear them coming from . Our hands are pointing in unison as they travelled about the room except as it got nearer to the foot of the bed I pointed left and she pointed right and that was because it stood right in front of the bed and shifted its weight from left to right until it settled itself and just stood there. We ducked under the covers for awhile and then finally summoned enough courage to run as fast as we could downstairs where her parents were.  We were scared scared scared.

  9. idk this stuff freaks me out though

  10. nothing really,but check the link in the source bar for the info of places pictures;

  11. One of my girlfriends had some  homeless girl she met stay at the house for a few days until she finally threw her out because she smelled so bad and stunk up the house. I gave her a ride into town and dropped her off across the street from the library. She had also stunk up my car the same way.

    She was later arrested for loitering  and went to the local jail at the police station in town. The story in the paper was that she also stunk up the police station so bad that they called a doctor for her. The doctor declared her as deceased and claimed she had been already dead for several days from her rate of advanced decay.

    This one medium was interesting to watch.

  12. I said one night at 1:00 a.m

    "If there's anyone here, give me a sign!"

    And you know what? There was this loud sound coming from outside my window!

    I got so freaked out.

  13. I choose to live on planet Earth.  Sure it's not magical, but it's a nice place.

  14. go to, they have lots of pics, stories, and info w/links to other sites. as far as the freakiest thing that ever happened to me, too many to write about on here.

  15. i have encounters with my 'friends' every day...not too creepy anymore, and check out

  16. After my uncle died 4 years ago, I would write him medium sized letters. In my sleep he would reply to them. I never told anyone. I thought it was just a dream. Then about 5 months ago on Oprah they did a special on EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomena) & talking with the dead. I was like "OMG! I'm not crazy!" and I googled it and listened to people's EVPs. So I set up a recorder infront of my dad's um. I replayed the tape and forwards it read, "I tried to get up." Backwards it reads, "I love you, pumpkin." AND IT SOUNDS JUST LIKE HIM! Then about 2 months ago I made a darkroom downstairs in a room in our basement. I had to move my Grandpa's fishing gear. Well, the next day I go down there the fishing stuff had been moved to the original spot. My mom never goes into that room. She only goes downstairs to do the laundry. I set up my recorder and sure enough my grandpa left a message calling out my mom's name over and over again.

  17. I spoke to an uncle when I was a child who had been dead 26 years at the time I talked to that freaky enough?  I do have a few pix taken by myself at different times that you may look at..go to

    it is a website that I have been working on.

  18. I'm a medium, although my ghost abilities aren't perfected, I can sense souls and release my chi flow.

    Pretty good considering I just got my powers this summer.

  19. i was in my friends house and she told me her house was haunted and imlike cool! i use to the bathroom while im in the bathroom i saw this white fuzzy ballthats like in the air and its like right at me i open my eyes biggger  and im like oh sh*t andi blink and its gone andi ran! loll
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