I live in a house which is only 38 years old and my family is the only family to have inhabited it so I know its history. Many years ago my mother and stepfather (both honest people who don't make up stories) both say they witnessed a white figure moving from the hall to the main bedroom.
I have never seen anything but a few inexplicable occurrences have taken place in the last few years since I came back to live here with my husband. A tap turned on all the way so it was gushing in my laundry. My stereo has turned itself on a few times, sometimes tuned to the radio (which has given me quite a fright!) and sometimes without noise switched to the CD. It happened twice in the middle of the night when I was feeding my then baby sons, and other times when I'd look up and notice it had been switched on again (by nobody!). Has anyone else had experiences like this, and do you think it is someone in spirit trying to make contact or make themselves known?