
Paranormal activity in neighbours house?!?

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As long as I can remember my aunty has had a "sixth sense" when it comes to paranormal activities. She lives on a fairly new housing estate built on the edge of Deepcut barracks in Surrey. When they bought their house there was a house which they viewed down the road and something was not right about it? Yesterday the woman who lives in this house came round hysterical (my aunty doesn't know this woman) claiming that her house is haunted by children who keep asking her what is happening to them. She also claims that Jesus sent her to my aunt? What is most disturbing is that the majority of people who have stayed in their house have died within days of leaving or someone very close to them has died, too high a ratio to be coincidence. I know this woman sounds like a nutcase but I believe there is something strange going on in that house. Is there any way I can find out what was on that ground before the barracks. I have tried googling allsorts but have had no luck? Any ideas guys x




  1. New house or not; something was there BEFORE that house. Suggest you go with a good Medium who will be able to communicate the "issues" with the kids and hopefully provide a positive resolution rather than having somebody else come in and scare the c**p out of them yelling "The power of Jesus commands you!!"

    They may just be pretending to be children even; but it's always better to go with somebody who is willing to find out what is really going on and aid in the best way possible; not just cover it up or shove it out the door.

  2. Lots of people have a sixth sense about things or intutition about things. In fact a lot of organisations teach people to listen to their inner voices. I would check out the house, what the barracks were. Talk to some older people in the area. Go to the council and get some history. Speak to your local historical society.

    EDIT: TO wushuboy001The Book of facts have been edited throughout the years its hard to work out whats what. And if you condone people with psychic abilities who are sensitive what about prophets? Prophets went about predicting things did they not? what made their behaviour any more acceptable? Anymore holy?

  3. A woman who is hearing voices and who says Jesus sent her to your aunt says people having been dying because they have slept at her house?  You're right, she does sound mentally imbalanced.  She could be 100% delusional and making all of this up.

    It sounds like your aunt may be living in a retirement community.  If that were the case the dementia of her neighbor and then high mortality rate would not be that surprising.

    EDIT: Keeping an open mind has its benefits, but it also has its limits (i.e. your brain falling out).  To what degree can your reasonably believe something someone is saying?

    Also, even if the property was once owned by a family that was tortured and slaughtered there is nothing known to man--beyond a healthy imagination or a Hollywood script--to allow for this fact to in any way influence what happens at the location *now*.

  4. Who cares??

  5. Well one thing is certain, the woman wasn't sent by Jesus. I say this because the Bible condemns people like your aunty to burn in h**l. Jesus would never send someone to a medium. The book of acts shows us that he would see you Aunt as possessed by demons, and the "ghost children" to be demons themselves.

    Your aunty is a medium, which means she is either delusional, or a con-man. I guess it depends on how good she is. If she is real good and convincing, then she is a con-man.

    This woman is probably experiencing dream phenomena.

    It doesn't matter what was on the grounds before. Whats going on is definitly not ghosts and at least part of your story is completely fabricated. I will assume by your aunty who is a con-man.

  6. I agree with Supergirl's post and want to add that anytime there are death's associated with a "haunting" I immediately start questioning the legitimacy of the claims. A ghost can't kill you, period.

  7. That's a typo - it was Panorama activity - she had BBC1 on TV.

  8. i cant say cause i dont know the people,

  9. whoa, somebody keeping an open mind? That's a new concept. I thought keeping an open mind was for those who are enlightened and as long as you agree with them, then your OK.

    As  others have said, you can go to your library and check papers there and possibly land deeds. you can also go to the recorders office and check out the land deeds there as well. usually the local history of an area can be checked out. You can follow ownership of properties and uses pretty far back.

  10. I would try the library or the court house and do some research. try looking up the county land records. And, no ghosts cannot kill you or cause your death, but something demonic can.

  11. You would want to try the library.  I doubt you would get far on the net.  Also try talking to older residents of the area.  They are the best source of information and usually would appreciate a chat and a friendly face.  I would start with that, then the library and old newspaper archives.  Also find out if there are any town planning records.

  12. Well, I have actually been through something like this regarding a friend of mine's house, save for the deaths.  It was built in 1990 or around that time and they have more paranormal activity than I've ever seen in a less than 50 year old house.  These people are die hard Baptists, and they believe that these things are/were demons, even though they're just annoying kids.  So far the stuff I have suggested has worked, putting salt across the door jams and the windows (you should have seen their faces when a non Christian solution worked!) and blessing the corners.

    Im or email me anytime.

    Blessed be

  13. I agree to getting a priest to bless the house.

    I don't agree that people are dying b/c they stay at your aunt's house. I really do think that's just a really weird coincidence.

    The ghost children are asking her because they're lost. They came to her probably because she makes them feel safe, they're not doubt frightened. I've had quite a few children brought to me who needed help passing over and 95% of them were terrified and had no idea where they were or where to go. Tell your aunt to pray and ask God and Jesus to accept these children into His loving arms, and to send an angel to guide them there, to guide them into the light. Then tell the children to go into the light.

    Love and light to you.

  14. If you get a priest to bless your house...I wouldn't tell him what is going on. (He'll probably call you a kook....but not to your face) Try to find a priest who is really a priest...devoted to God..maybe one who has been a priest for  a long time.

  15. i have an interest in the weird and wonderful world we live in on the case net searching will see what I can find out

  16. The woman is just delusional. Your aunt may not be a psychic as she thinks she is. I hate to be skeptical but I grew up with Pentecostals and in my family everyone was  a prophet of God. Every dream meant something. Every little feeling was a message  from God sorry I just can't buy that I was sent from god claim.


  17. Why are paranormal stories always relayed?  There seems to be no first hand experience involved in the majority of cases.

    First eliminate...

    Any chance that one of the people in this tale is lying?  Or to be less harsh - taking liberty with the retelling of actual happenings?  Everybody is capable of lying.

    Exactly how many people have lived in this house?  How many people have died?  You need to know this before you can eliminate the 'too high a ratio to be coincidence'.  Chances are that you probably have no clue, other than 'gut feeling'?

    Was this 'hysterical' women on any form or drugs (prescribed or otherwise) or alcohol?   Any diagnoses of mental health issues?  But you'll not know that either?

    Does the house have any defects? E.g. piping that makes noises or rats living in the roof?  Somebody with a vivid imagination can easily convince themselves of paranormal activities when the answer is rational and simple.

    Oh, there is a zillion elimination questions.  First address them before jumping on the paranormal bandwagon.

  18. get a medium in

  19. Get a priest in to bless the place

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