
Paranormal activity is worsening around my house, and I'm getting freaked out?

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Paranormal activity has always been pretty recurrent around my house. We've had shadowy figures, I've heard things that no one else can hear, and wierd stuff has happened. Lately, however, its become worse. For the past week or so, there have been tappings at windows, thuds on the staircases of my house, my cats have been hissing for no reason, even my dogs are having nightmares, there have been thuds and bangs outside, and my mom and I have been hearing things. Also, there has been a sense of something prowling, I guess, outside. My little brother and sisters have had nightmares that they can't remember much about, other than they involve shadowy people, and they've also experienced the tapping and thuds. Is my house full of crazys, or do we need to call someone, because last night, someone knocked at the door and no one was outside. I'm getting pretty freaked out.




  1. I have had the same problems in my life. I am a sensitive as well.

    Sometimes ghosts do not now they are dead and feel your invading their house. Try talking to them and asking them to go towards the light where they will find peace. Also tell them to stop making the noises and it is scaring you. Suprisingly it often works from what i hear from others that lived in haunted places. i wish i had more time to talk on this subject for i can write a book on my experiences

  2. no, don't bring in a paranormal researcher. they will charge you hundreds of dollars for nothing

  3. Purchase some "White Sage"  hopefully from a underground head shop....or maybe at a health food store....or some kind of co-op that sells incense.    This white sage is dry white leaves on its stem.  The Native American use it to smudge themselves during their ceremonies.   Also, they believe when burned it keeps the spirits away & quiet.   I burn it in my house at least once a house was haunted for many years.   To keep my house clear I burn sage.   You need to burn sage every day untill you can tell there is no more activity going on .....than burn it once a week......get on the internet if you have too to find out where you can purchase it.    It is very cheap.....Good Luck.   White Sage will work immediately.

  4. As suggested previously, call in T.A.P.S (Find your local taps group here: http://www.the-atlantic-paranormal-socie...

    A priest is also useful in events such as this.

    Think of anyone in your family that have passed away and that may have had any dislike towards your father, any at all. This spirit may just be trying to protect you but not in the most convenient way.

    Or on the other foot, this spirit may be on your fathers side and wants to torment you for a good deal of time. Seeking revenge for him since he is still bound by the laws of this world.

    Good Luck though!

  5. Yeah, time to call a priest.

    This doesnt sound like just some run of the mill haunting- it's bad and is going to get worse.

  6. Not having a male figure in the house can create an insecurity in the household and individually. If each individual senses fear in their sibling or mother, then it will escalate. Fear is contagious and snowballs until every shadow is the shadow people and every sound the wind makes is a burglar.

    i find the best thing to do if you think there is something spooky in a room or outside, is to just run out there and confront it. I have never been eaten by monsters.

    I pay to have a great alarm system that calls the police if something happens like a window breaks and the security co. cannot reach me by phone.

  7. I can't tell you how often I am awakened in the middle of the night to the sound of my front door opening, and no one is there, or how often I hear a footstep in the dining room (usually around 2:00 AM).  Sometimes at night I will feel a sudden pressure on the side of the bed and think my cat has jumped up next to me.  When I sit up and look, the cat is sitting on the window sill looking out or asleep on his favorite chair.  

    I'm not particularly freaked out by this because I was raised in a haunted house and had a grandmother who was a medium.  I have, however, been jumped at times when on the computer in my home office I have heard a sudden very clear sound of a person exhaling loudly--like a sigh--right behind me.  

    This house is 104 years old and has been added to many times.  There are staircases and doors to no where throughout.  When I first moved in my friend said that the dining room looks like a stage set for "The Tell-tale Heart."  And it does!

  8. Call the pastor of your church (or any church) to come do a prayer over your home. He will probably have to pray in each room and sprinkle Holy Water. Keep a crucifix with you and the Bible (be sure to read the bible too!) If your pastor comes to do the prayer it may not be enough to cast out the evil, since you live around it, it will mostly be up to you and your family. But considering that the only things that you experience is tapping sounds. It seems like the presence is just trying to get your attention. Try acknowledging the presence and talk to it as you would a live human (as you know they were once people too) and maybe by acknowledging its presence the activity will cease. The best thing to do is read the bible and any time that you feel an incredible spooky experience just say out loud, "God send your protection to me and my family now" And keep repeating it as many times as it takes until you feel safe. If you believe in paranormal activity then you have to believe in God. Give it a try. God bless you.

  9. Watch Poltergeist and then get those people that they got.

  10. I am a so called "sensitive" person, and other people want me to partake in their Paranormal Activities. But, I can not do this. It bothers me and although I can shrug it off,(the contact of entities) I prefer not to physically partake in these "Meetings".

    I can tell you, that I can De-Bunk, so to speak some off your pestered int eruptions, But, since there are children involved, I would have to say, keep them as Happy & Care-free for the time being. Just tell the children, the weather is changing and houses made of "wood" adjust, that's why they creak, and make noises. Popping maybe associated with the "knocking" type of sounds.

    Here is a Good Web-Site with explanations, with great answers.

    T.A.P.S. ...(TransAtlantic Paranormal Society) Just paste and search. It's very educational. Truley!

    Don't worry, things will calm down soon.

  11. i would not stick around for one minute for your life!!!

  12. First of all, I am sorry that you are getting freaked out.

    They are not intended to hurt you intentionally.

    Secondly, the reason why they are there is something involving in that house had caused some kind of injustice or coming some time in the near future that they want to protect you.

    Thirdly, I would pay a lot attention to the animals.  I learned through my past experiences that they can sense them, whereas I can sense them only after they had chosen to reveal themselves to me.

    Fourth, I don't know or understand what the "prowling" is about so I am not able to help you there.

    Personally, I would look up to what happen to the people before you moved in.  The tapping and thuds noises could be pranks. The shadows are usually from the moon.

    After you investigate what happened to the people completely and you understand the scenario, only then I would call the priest to bless the house with holy water.  If you don't understand what had happened to them, no holy water will remove them because they didn't do anything evil.  It is just some type of injustice or they are trying to protect you from something would be coming.

  13. What a bunch of superstitious answers you have here.  Do not perpetuate ignorance and fear by listening to what some of these people are saying.  Confront the real world with reality.

    This sounds like nothing more than a self-induced frenzy.  Your state of mind plays a big part in how you interpret the world around you.  If you think something freaky is going on then you will look for data that support this idea.  Unrelated events like nightmares and the occasional hiss will be seen as contributing factors or as a result of this freaky state rather than just independent and unrelated events.  You sense something prowling?  Unless you have reason to believe or evidence indicating something is prowling outside then this is just in your imagination.

    The divorce understandably upset you and now perhaps it's taking a mental toll on you.  Maybe you should seek family therapy to address your concerns.

  14. It certainly sounds like there is something going on.

    I suspect you have a sound basis to be concerned, however I would question whether your understandable nerves are playing tricks on you and making you interpret everything as paranormal. In saying that I in no way discount that at least some of what is happening is probably real.

    Now, here are some questions for you to think about... Has anyone in your house been ill? Or depressed? Or negative?

    If so, you might have a manifestation of negative energy. They are sometimes called shadows or shapeshifters or "black things", but one thing they all have in common is that they feed on negativity, illness and fear. Without those things to feed from, they are nothing. They don't like to be seen, so probably a lot more people have them than know it.

    We had one in our house a few months ago. I saw it up on the ceiling. I told my husband (a super-qualified braniac with a scientific brain) about it, he stopped me, pointed to where I'd seen it, described it in detail and told me he'd seen it three times in the previous 2 weeks. I was really peeved that he hadn't told me.

    To make a long story short, I had a professional clearing done, then a few days later I did a smudging... no more shapeshifter.

    The first thing to do is to make sure there is lots of light, and smudge with a cedar and sage smudgestick, which drives negativity out (cover smoke alarms while you do this). Then a final smudge with a sweetgrass braid to invite positive energy in.

    For the sceptics who want to laugh at this, all I can say is that you're lucky because it means you haven't had to confront anything like this....yet  :o)

  15. This 'stuff' has followed me all my life and I finally noticed a pattern of it only happening certain times of the year. When it happens now, I mainly ignore it, and/or tell them to leave me alone, or rebuke them in Jesus' name.  Seems to work!  Good luck!

  16. geez, thats freaky

    get out of there!!

  17. I would be soo scared. Pour salt around your house and tell the spirits to go to god.

  18. Wow, those answers were ridiculous.  

    Nothing you said couldn't have a perfectly rational explanation - so why jump to the paranormal, which has NEVER been actually shown to occur?

    Tappings at windows?  Trees, wind, neighborhood kids, house settling.

    Thuds on staircases?  House settling.  

    Cats hissing?  Cats are weird.  Mine is biting me right now for no reason.  Ignore them.

    How can you tell when animals are having nightmares?  Looks the same as dreaming to me.

    Hearing things?  Maybe an overactive imagination?  Or just the house settling?

    It sounds like you guys are freaking YOURSELVES out.  Get over it.  Call a house inspector if nothing else.  They'll tell you the same thing.

  19. id say you have some good advice here, sounds like a haunting to me....i know the tappings on the window to well...a spirit was trying to get my attention (it worked)...there is plenty of help available these days, so your not on your own here...unlike many years could be getting haunted for any and many not an expert in this field i just know it happens, and go by what ive experienced....people will always say the noises we sometimes hear are just noises, and sometimes they are just that, but i do know the difference, between natural noises, and noises caused by a haunting....anyway browse for a paranormal investigater in your area and talk to them........goodluck....edit...for some good information check out this great site..they have lots of information...

  20. Wow, that sounds scary.  If it were me (I'm admittedly a wimp), I would just move.  It's not worth it to constantly be freaked out!

  21. Ok...first of all before you call anyone try sprinkling salt in the four corners of the house and asking God to keep you at each corner sprinkle and ask God to keep you do the four corners of your property and do the same asking God to keep you stand in the middle of your house and tell the spririt or spirits that they are dead and need to go into the light ..they are not welcomed here.......if these things dont work then call someone in to cleanse the house....May God keep you safe

  22. paranormal activity tends to centre round people when they are in there teens and thats why your sensing activity

  23. You could call a paranormal group in your area. Or T.A.P.S. from that show Ghost hunters.

    My grandma's house has paranormal activity.

    My sister and I took lots of digital photos..caught a lot of images! Try that as well!

    good luck!

  24. Sounds like you're being gaslighted.

  25. call TAPS aka ghost hunters

  26. heidi S gives you some pretty decent advise.

    The principal of the "salt thing" is to protect what's within from the outside. So, if what you want to protect yourself from is already in...

    Most importantly, anything that is paranormal works around energy. Fear is a higher, more concentrating form of energy. So being afraid of it is feeding it more. So stay cool as much as you can. Not easy to do but worth it!

    Take care and hope things tone down.

  27. I'm not sure where you are from but if you are anywhere close to Missouri I can help.  What you have described sounds like a demonic possession but I can't be sure with out gathering more info and data.  Please start keeping a journal of all of these events and feel free to email me at if you have any questions or concerns.  If you are too far out of my area, I will try to help you find someone who can help.

  28. I believe in what you wrote.Some people die a

    bad death,and stay on earth to try and find peace.

    They are very misc hives and if you live in there house,there going to drive you out.if they can.

    There is no limit to the tricks they can play.they

    can't kill you.just drive you crays.

    Try having a priest come in and exorcist it out.

  29. Geez. You might want to move out of there.

  30. Always eliminate physical causes first !

    Is your house built of timber or brick?

    Are there any hollow spaces air could be moving thru?

    Do you have cracks?

    Do you have mice rats possums squirrels or birds that could be nesting in a hidden space you dont know about?

    Ask your neighbours if they are hearing any strange noises?

    What sort of soil or rock is under the foundations?

    Are you near any fault lines?

    Check all this first!

    Though having the house blessed by a pastor or priest cant hurt!

    Are there any tree branches in the yard or your neighbours yard that need trimming?

    It is getting close Hallwoe'en

    Could your brother and sister or neighbour kids having heard you talk about the noises be playing pranks?

    If it is paranormal anxiety will only create more negative energy that will feed whatever it there!

    Meditate Pray and find out if your builder has a bad reputation!

  31. call some one!!

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