
Paranormal activity?

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I experience paranormal activity almost always. I have for about a year and a half now.. Is it reality or schizophrenia?




  1. No it certainly is not. If it were schizophrenia you wouldn't know the difference enough to ask the question.

  2. Well you need to be more specific so we know what exactly your seeing. Now the only advice I can give is just don't automatically say I'm schizophrenic or this is paranormal. Investigate even further so you ca find out and don't leave out details. :) hope I helped!

  3. It's hard to tell without any details.  I've had paranormal experiences, so I'm sure they exist, but don't know anything about yours.  

  4.   Not enough info. The paranormal is real . Schizophrenia is also real.

    Do you see things,or hear voices ,or what? If you hear voices ,can you verify what they are saying is true. Does it contain verifyable info that you could not have known thru "normal" means. If you see things,exactly what do you see? Is it threatening, or urging you to do wrong, or harm yourself. If not , I would not worry about it. Just accept it as another of life's mysteries. That's the bottom line ,if it's not causing a problem, don't worry about it. If it is, seek help immediately.

  5. Well i would have to say that i have experienced stuff in the house i am in now and for awhile i thought it was my grandparents which have passed on 4 yrs ago.

    My first experience was i was sleeping well half asleep and i was awaken by a shril scream, a scream of harm being done to a child. I have heard footsteps in my house, my 3 yr old is afraid to sleep in her room, and ny 8 yr old has seen figures of people in my 3 yr olds room. I have had my pillow hit a few times while sleepin like something was trying to wake me up and our dog would growl for no apparent reason which she only growls or barks when she sees something.

    I have heard mommy being called when my children are not home, and then i have heard stuff in my 3 yr olds room when she's not even sleeping in there, so it is hard to say, they do say sometimes that when you start to believe you will see more or it could just be minds playing tricks on people. I do really believe in all of this stuff though as i have heard and seen stuff over the years.

  6. Well, what kind of activity are you experiencing? If it is poltergeist-like activity, then it is possible that it is actually result of you. This type of activity works off the energy that you have inside of you and causes weird sounds and movements. If not that kind of activity, set up some surveillence equipment and try to get to the bottom of it.  

  7. Well, it depends on what you are experiencing.  Are you seeing things, hearing things, or just have a paranoid feeling that something is watching you?  I don't know what to tell you about it without more info.  If you are actually seeing and hearing things, I would tell your doctor that you have having some hallucinations and see what they say.  Hallucinations could also be caused by depression and substance use.  

  8. The question, "Is it reality or schizophrenia?" is a false dichotomy, or a false choice. Depending on the details of your situation, the answer may be that you are experiencing natural phenomena that you just don't fully understand.

    Everyone experiences some unconscious form of synesthesia ( ) on a regular basis, such as associating numbers with a mental map ( ).

    However, some people experience more drastic forms of synesthesia. For example, some have reported physically seeing color when they hear certain musical notes. Some report hearing specific noises when they see a particular motion ( ).

    Are these colors and noises "real"? No. They occur only in the brain without an outside source.

    Are the people that experience these things schizophrenic or crazy? No. Synesthesia is not a mental disorder. It is a benign neurological condition associated with cross-activation of the senses.

    Are these people experiencing something paranormal? No. Scientists are able to explain this and other natural phenomena with increasingly greater precision.

    People still experience things that they can't fully understand because science is an ever-growing and expanding field. Always be cautious of someone who is quick to label something as "paranormal" because it shows their lack of willingness to admit a lack of understanding.

    I hope that, even without knowing the details of your particular situation, I was able to help you out.

  9. szhizophrenia is a lot more than just hearing voices. For me, the paranormal IS normal. For me, it's reality. I can see it to a certain extent, I can feel it, I can touch it with my hands, and I can hear it. Asking yourself, "is this real? Am I really hearing/feeling/seeing this?" is very normal at first. But eventually, you WILL know. Eventually, it WILL prove itself to you.  

  10. It is difficult to be able to tell if it is a paranormal issue or a mental issue. Perhaps if you give more details about what you are seeing and hearing you can get more substantial answers.
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