
Paranormal and ghosts what do you think?

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Paranormal and ghosts what do you think?




  1. I am a Paranormal Psychologist and Investigator. I hunt Ghosts. And I find them. I take photos of them, and I record their voices and utterances. I do this for people who state that they do, or have reason to believe that they do, have a Haunting in their homes. By "Haunting" I am referring to what most people think of at the mention of that word. They Know or, from obvious indications, sincerely Believe they are experiencing Paranormal Activity in the form of "Ghosts". I interview the person(s) or family affected by this perported phenomenae, individually, utilizing my training as a Psychologist in attempting to determine for myself if, (1). They truely believe what they are reporting. (2). The information or stories correlate. (3). The reaction/responses of the witnesses fit into a "typical" category. (4). In summation are all witnesses telling the truth, (a). as it actually happened, (b). is there any obvious embellishment of fact or situation. When I've finished the interviews, I do a lot of research into the background of the location, personal/medical/psychological history of the person(s) involved and make a decision whether or not to actually conduct a formal Investigation of the site. There are far too many conclusions I may deem relevant to list here, far too many factors involved, but, suffice to say, I turn down very few people asking for my assistance in determining the cause of events, whether real or imagined. Sometimes I acquire positive results, other times not. In either case the client is usually made more at ease with their situation. I rarely publish documentation acquired at these Investigations, though I do have some interesting photos taken while Ghost Hunting in public places if you'd care to review them. <> In the photo section under spookchasers pix. Some of the others are interesting, also.

  2. The possibility of multidimensional activity might, quite possibly, explain paranormal phenomena.  If one believes the soul is eternal than it will move on to another plane of existence.

    The universe, scientifically believe, to have, at least, eleven dimensions.  Therefore, the Earth may be multidimensional as well.

  3. Delusions.

  4. It's fun for telling scary ghost stories around a campfire, but that's about where it ends.

  5. i think ghost and other similar things related on that is real because there are so many things that science and modern technologies cant explain.. that is what my teacher in Physics told us...

  6. no it doesn't exist......the imagination of man has created it.

  7. I've seen, heard, and spoken with....therefore i believe.

  8. Whether there are natural or supernatural explainations, I do not believe the popular myth that ghosts are dead people.

    I guess the most popular belief about ghosts today is that people die and float around as little balls that can only be seen by cheap digital cameras.

    The entire concept is rather dumb when you think about it.

    The other type of ghost only attacks people while they are in bed. I think any ghost spotted by someone in bed can be immediatly discarded, real or not, because it can not be distinquished from a number of dream and sleep phenomona.

    Really there is not much for evidence that can be trusted, because the field is full of charletans trying to make a buck or sell a book.

    I'm a christian and believe in Demons and Angels. I've seen stuff that I have not been able to elimanate as natural causes, as far as angels and demons. However, nothing I could possibly hope to prove, or offer anything more than my word.

    Plus, the fact that I dont have natural causes, doesnt mean they dont exist. I could have been hallucinating.

    I would like to point out that I am not a drug user, and have never in my life knowingly taken hallucinagenic drugs. I was not in bed at the times of the events.

    In conclusion, I believe in angels and demons, but not in traditional ghosts. The Bible doesnt leave the option open for people being trapped on earth after death.

  9. Until you have an experince for yourself, you can't be a believer.

  10. i believe in paranormal, i have witnessed some activities that i myself can't explain, same with my friends.

  11. there is not much that we know, there have been several supernatural contacts, you may have a second life, but i believe that there is, because some phenomenons can only be explained by this theory, and sometimes when you are about to die, something may stop you from dying i think that falls in the category of supernatural.

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