Okay, I have a debate on the paranormal can you go out & find some information on how it really is true. NO YOU don't have to do all of it just pick 1 or 2 to research & copy it on with a source, just be sure it is different from other answers ! Help me win it :) Find stuff on: 1) the real vampires (ppl who think they are vamp's) 2) Nostradamus prediction's 3) Phycic detectives (ppl who find lost children) 4) Ghosts & huanted houses (possessed ppl, demons, famous places) 5) Eye witness encounters 6) Aliens & UFO's (give examples of Rosewell & the unexplained lights in the sky over Phenoix or Mexico sity) Anything that sounds real post it on froma website give as much as you can plz help me out... I don't have a computer & I am doing this Q on someone's smart phone so I can't do it myself...help wheater you beleive or not it just has to be in belief of paranormal research (my topic) give sources plz & well known orginizations if you can. help me out plz:)