
Paranormal easy question?

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do u believe in ghost, alien, and whatever that are related to them?

if u're not please tell me why.

but if u believe tell me what kind of things that u believe and why.

thank you!




  1. I only believe in things that I have seen fist hand or things that have been confirmed to exist by a reliable source.

    For example, I believe that my dog exists because I have seen him first hand.

    I also believe that China exists because, although I have never seen it myself, I have seen pictures of China in text books and magazines that have proved to be reliable sources of information. I also have a friend who claims to be from China whom I believe to be sane.

    I do not believe in aliens and ghosts because they do not meet this criteria. However, I am always open to the possibility that something that does not meet this criteria, may do so in the future. And when it does, I will believe in it.

  2. i do believe in ghosts because i felt it one time ago.

  3. I dont believe in ghosts but I do believe in life on other planets.  I think its ignorant and absolutely egotistical not to believe that there is life on a planet other then Earth.  It is statistically impossible not to have life some where else.  Now, has that life ever visited Earth?  That is a completely different question, I personally dont think any life from another planet has visited Earth, but I can admit the possibility of being wrong as well.  There are 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 stars in the universe and even more planets.  That number is not a number I made up, that is the actual number of estimated stars.  Its a 1 with 21 zeros.  That is the number the scientist said they estimated.  For those who dont know, our sun is one of those stars.  There are usually planets that circle stars because of there gravity so there are even more planets out there then stars scientists estimate.  It is impossible to come up with a number though because we can not see planets as easily as we can see stars.  Out of the 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 stars in the universe the closest one to us is 212 light years away.  That means that if we had a space ship that was able to travel at the speed of light, it would still take us 212 years traveling at the speed of light to reach the closest star to us.  Does that give you a picture of the size of the universe, it is not even comprehensible.  Because of the fact that it takes so long for things traveling at light speed to reach us, that means that when you look at a star you are actually looking into the past.  It takes the light we see from the closest star to us 212 years to reach us so a lot of the stars we are looking at in the sky dont even exist anymore, they are dead, we just dont cant see it yet, there are stars we are looking at that have died thousands of years ago, we just cant see it yet.  So with all that info and all those stars and planets, there absolutely has to be life out there.  In reality, there probally are thousands or millions of planets out there with life on them, the universe is just too big for us to reach any of them.

  4. I believe that people have the experience of seeing ghosts as they have at least since mankind started to keep a written record of events. If ghosts are surviving spirits of human beings or information acquired via something like ESP and then projected into consciousness via a visual/auditory hallucination (or many other explanations) is still an open question to me. Of course this is after eliminating (usually quite quickly and easily) all the skeptical explanations.

    I believe some efforts to study these experiences in a scientific manner support these experiences being real whatever the cause of the experience may be. I also believe that many explanations/theories (not one) are required to explain different types of ghost experiences and each case must be studied by itself. I have included some links below.

    I believe that aliens/extraterrestrial (defined as sentient life existing somewhere other than Earth) is not only a possibility but a very high probability (google the Drake Equation). If this life is more advanced, less advanced, or about the same as us is still an open question. I suspect all are true as I suspect there are many life forms besides us in the Universe. However, I have seen no convincing (to me) evidence of an actual alien life form thus far. I don't doubt that are government would hid such facts I'm just seeing there is no evidence being presented.

    Note to John S:

    In fairness about your astronomy statement you should also point out that it was an astronomer J. Allen Hynek (link below) that after working on U.S. military UFO sightings decided that there were cases that could not be explained and started a center (link below) for the scientific and academic study of UFOs.


  5. For me, ghosts are 'real',(I've seen more than one), and aliens aren't,(I've never seen one). I'm keeping an open mind, though, and don't doubt the folks that HAVE seen them, because I didn't believe in ghosts until I saw my first one about 18 years ago. Life is stranger than we can suppose...

  6. I have an open mind about the possibility of the supernatural and alien life. To compugeek420 who refers to people as morons for believing must be much more intelligent than many astronomers, physicists and scientists who believe in the possibility of life on other planets. Not that our planet has been visited but that life beyond our planet exists.

    As for spirits I definitely believe because of people that I trust and love who claim to have had experiences. I have not myself but am open to it.

  7. no, because im not a moron

  8. I believe they are possible. Why not?

    There's no such thing as "supernatural". There's only the darkness where our understanding of the "natural" ends.

  9. Yes, I believe in ghosts.  I'm a paranormal investigator and have been seeing ghosts my whole life.  I've been investigating for about 25 years and have a paranormal group in my home town. I've had enough experience to write a book; I believe because I have seen and interacted with them.  We had a ghost in my last home that liked to tweak us by moving things around.  We'd come home to find every drawer and cabinet in the kitchen open and the water turned on in both bathrooms and kitchen, going full blast.  Once when I was out of town, the ghost began to open and slam shut a cupboard door repeatedly until my husband told it to stop.  It slammed the door so hard it chipped the wood.  My son has a ghost in his home that likes to wake him and his fiance up with loud laughter.  I've heard it too; it's quite disconcerting.  As for aliens, I do believe there's intelligent life out there; I just haven't seen any myself.

  10. I believe in aliens, but i don't believe in ghosts/spirits/etc. To me, aliens are no more "supernatural" than we humans are.

  11. I believe in ghost, santa, tooth fairies, elves, dragons and leprechauns, but definetly not computers, such a thing could not possible exist

  12. I believe in ghost because I have seen them.  I don't believe in aliens.  I think most UFO's have a logical explanation like aircraft, ball lightning, stars or weather. Have you ever noticed  people that have studied astronomy never see UFO's and they spend a lot of time looking at the sky!

  13. I am a Paranormal Investigator i do believe in paranormal activity and believe there are spirits here many things have happened in my life that i cannot explain and have seen spirits of different types in different locations. I will continue this day forward like i have been doing , to continuously help those in need of paranormal guidance just like alot of people in this paranormal field are here to help one another :) but i still stand the same i believe in paranormal occurrences and ghosts/spirits. When Spirits are through with their business in this world i believe they cross over. i also believe when you pass on you have free will to travel back and fourth at will! but yet some spirits are sometimes decide to stay because of unfinished business etc. or they are comfortable here.

    you can read many experiences of our team on our site here was my first :) i love sharing this one but people on Y/A have prolly heard this 1000 time lol!!!

    was six and lived in Trenton , MI . When the family and I were sitting on the living room couch watching TV, they all of the sudden heard a loud crash that sounded like glass breaking. We ran down stairs to find the remains a light bulb in swept into a dust pan with a broom standing next to it , between that experience many things happened in that home such as things flying across the TV stand onto the floor was one creepy experience.Another is when my mother one day was doing laundry and something screamed boo in her ear . What ever was there in the home struck me in the back with a shoving almost like a smack when i was sitting down and watching tv and shortly after My mom had told me at night she would hear footsteps around her bed at night on a daily basis.”

    Ryan ~Paranormal Investigator/Researcher~

  14. I have never encountered any evidence for ghosts or aliens that I would consider to be compelling enough to convince me such things exist.  This belief is not based on my personal world view or any dogma to which I subscribe.  It is based on the evidence at hand.

  15. yes i believe

  16. I believe that the universe, whether created or not, operates according to laws we'll never fully understand. I believe all things happen for a reason. Actually, I believe that all things happen for the SAME reason which is "Things happen because they are backed up by, and the result of, energy that has been making its way to that end, forever."

    Every path, when traveled backward, leads to the same source. Be it a Big Bang or a God, it doesn't really matter. Everything has been traveling and building momentum from that point. Some don't want to think about it. Some want to control what exists and what doesn't. Fortunately, the universe isn't a democracy. The fact is, there are a lot of wild and wonderful things in the universe and the opinions of frightened, small-minded people can never change that.

  17. Yes, I believe...But, don't spend the rest of the best years of your life getting involved in ghost hunting etc. Just try to make the best of your life and enjoy it. Things like this can wait till you have accomplished all your goals in life.  Just believe God exists and try to be a good person. If something paranormal is meant to happen to you, it will. Many people get involved in this and  have to spend lots of good years of their life trying to understand it.  If something spiritual or paranormal happens to you...then come back here and maybe we'll be able to help you. I really hate to see kids get involved in the paranormal when they should be LIVING their lives.Go ..and be carefree and enjoy these years!

  18. Aliens I don't doubt exist, surely there is other life out there, but I doubt that they are actually coming here.

    As for ghosts...I'm a strong skeptic. Something has to be pretty significant, and beat out the possible explanations, in order for me to consider it.

  19. just because you can't see it yourself does not mean that it is not there... SO do not be like people who laughed at Christopher Columbus.

    My  view is Parallel worlds exist and given the right conditions certain things happens....... Or something beyond our understanding defintely

    Aliens  of course  they exist, they may be smarter or Dumber  regardless human beings are not the top notch life form....

  20. I'm a pretty open-minded person so I'm accepting to all possibilities whether they be religious, paranormal, extraterrestrial, etc.  Who would I be to judge people's views when there is evidence supporting all these phenomenon.  

    I truly do believe that there are extraterrestrials, how can there not?  The odds of life on another planet somewhere in the universe is just too overwhelming.  This life may be aliens, or may be bacteria, or possibly something that we don't even know about.  I think people in general feel as though if our science cannot prove it, it does not exist.  That is a very naive way of thinking.  Our earth and the world/universe as we know it is full of unknowns and phenomena that have yet to be discovered.  I think people need to be more open in their thinking about these sorts of things.

    I also believe in a higher consciousness.  I believe that some people are born with an innate ability to look into the future, or do powerful things with their mind.  I also believe that all people are capable of using our minds for things we thought unimaginable.  The only reason that we cannot is that we never learn how.  Some psychics/mediums that you see likely have stumbled upon this ability by accident.  In contrast I also feel many of these people claim to have these abilities, but truly do not.

    In closing, the mystery that surrounds these topics is great for discussion.  I think mankind needs to be open to all possibilities because as far as I am concerned, when it comes to beliefs there is no right answer.

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