
Paranormal energy and clariovoyance relating to areas of the body???

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Okay, what that all means.

Somtimes, I can hear about somthing, or see somthing and Just KNOW somthing about it, 100% with out a doubt, that cant be known with any of the normal 5 sences.


For example, I recently found out that my Feonce's best friends girlfriend was pregnate and JUST KNEW that Something was WRONG.

Somtimes when events like this happen I can feel the engergy in certen parts of my body along my spine, my head, throat, chest, stomach, hips and my upper and/or lower legs.

For example: when I JUST KNEW somthing was wrong about her pregnacy I could (and can) feel the energy in my stomach.

Please help me figure out what this means!




  1. I'm clairvoyant I know how you feel. You'll see words or colors or even objects right? Just remember the more open you are, and the more empty your mind is, the more you will see. It'll also happen when you're asleep as well. The older you become, the more in tune you will be with your sense. If you need advice my sn on aim is elixxur.

  2. That's not clairvoyance. Clairvoyance is "clear sight" wouldn't "feel" the energy or what's wrong, you'd see it. You'd have visions, where you see things overtop the real world stuff you already see.

    What you're experiencing is called Clairsentience, AKA empathy. It literally means, "clear feeling" and that's just what it is. I'm an empath myself, have always sensed the emotional energies in the air around me, and have for years sponged other people's emotions without realizing it. I've recently developed (for lack of a better word) spiritual healing (like Reiki, except for me it's a natural ability, I don't need a Reiki attunement). So the physical sensations that you get tell you where that person is injured and needs healing. Look into Reiki. But next time it happens, ask for a healing for that individual. Literally, "I ask for a healing for so-and-so". I'll bet you'll find that the sensation immediately disappears. You should look into spiritual healing, like Reiki or even crystal healing if you're drawn to it. But chances are, it'll develop on it's own and you'll be guided to what to do with it.

    love and light

  3. Well, is there something wrong with her pregnancy?

    You should look into this thing called confirmation bias.  It is usually present in situations like what you described.

  4. You are a sensitive, something very hard to deal with because you feel what others do.  Although it does work for the good as well, most sensitives are also healers as well as seeing or feeling what might happen. I was writing a Friend his birthday card when I had an over whelming feeling come over me that very bad things were about to happen. When my husband  came home, I was  in a panic telling my husband that he had to change rooms with grandpa that our son was going to get hurt bad with the bunk beds.  Knowing me, he moved the two rooms so my son could have the bunk beds side by side, he was so excited to get to his new room, he jumped the fence to take out the trash, fell and broke both bones in his arm right thru the skin.  It was horrible, saw it felt it, but it isn't always right.  We had sliding glass doors with glass on each side heading outside to the backyard.  I told him the day before my son got home from the he hospital we need to  put a door that has a window only half way up in and a window and close the rest off for I had seen someone or something go right thru it.  He said okay, and we picked up my son from the hospital, our dog ran thru the window, broke it down completely but did not get hurt, Next day we rebuilt the wall.  As you get older you feel and understand your feelings better, but they will never be 100%. I know before anyone else when someone will have a baby, or someone is in the hospital, not always easy, but it is a gift. Good luck, and God Bless.

  5. There is a difference between paranormal and metaphysical.

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