
Paranormal events occur because......?

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Time / space is not perfect.

Does anybody else agree?

What we are seeing is maybe just a glych in the system. - crosstalk in the wires - bad recording or rip in the fabric.




  1. I think space/time is in a normal state of chaos, that is why science is stuck trying to figure out the physics of earth. Some of the things science wants to accomplish are beyond what we can prove. There are only theories and fantastic ideas on how to travel the speed of light - but who would want to be the test pilot on that one.

    The paranormal occurs because we can't explain away everything. Scientist just call it weird, we call it paranormal - take your pick.

  2. We are open to them.  Honestly, what you may consider "paranormal,"  are perfectly everyday normal to me.  I find it hard sometimes to understand why others think there's such a big eerie mystery. Or why it's paranormal.  I think sometimes it's abnormal that others don't feel, hear, think, or sense, what to some of us is perfectly normal.  Is it because they are close minded?

  3. That depends on the type of paranormal event.

  4. I don't know.

    Example tho, someone may purchase a very old house live in it most of their lives. Nothing has ever happened to them in "paranormal" way. One day they decide to remodel, either it "needs" to be done or the owners want a change.  All of a sudden there is a rush of strange goings on & bumps in the night.

  5. They are not paranormal, it is just most of use are spiritually deficient.  Your question is another example of the majority centrist attitude science can't seem to get away from since the industrial revolution.

  6. In some sense...that sounds scientific, and I think that science eventually relates back to what we consider paranormal or miraculous. I guess everyone views it differently. It never occurred to me that it was a rip in the fabric of time... I guess I always thought that the veil to the paranormal world is thinner at times, which made strange unexplainable things occur. But now that I think about it, a veil is sort of like the "fabric in time."

    It might not be a glitch fact I would think it wouldn't be. Everything may be oddly synchronistic for a reason.

  7. people imagine them

  8. I think there are many dimensions of reality. The White Noise Phenomenon is interesting; maybe radio echos perhaps but it could be the existance of other dimensions being able to "bleed" through the fabric of time. Scientists now think there are at least 4 dimensions that occur in layers in space. I think they overlap at some points of existance. When these points are overlapped, there could be blurring of the lines of reality where beings from the past and future are blended with our existance. Why is time/space relevant to all planes of existance? Maybe t/s is just what we see and in the grand scheme there may not even be such a thing.Not all reality is relavant to our place of reality. Differing planes of existance and conscience flow in and out of t/s. What are the "ghosts" and other phenoms doing here? Perhaps they are trapped by their actions while living and have no choice. I am sure there is life other than "we know it". I feel that some things that we give no credit for being alive to are actually living on some sort of existance other than being a rock or particle of light. This is a story of how I got the privlege of what it is like to be dead.;...

    For the last few months I have felt as if someone is taking care of me while I am driving and in my actions. I find myself doing things out of my regular routine as if guided. I am 51 and a student taking classes for the first time in more than 10 years and have been more successful taking tests and writing essays. I used to not be able to correctly punctuate and do algebra problems without being at a loss. Now it seems as if some one else is telling me the steps or correct places to put commas. I made an A in Literature Research last semester and made 100 on my final project which required a lot of writing. It was perfect; is what my teacher said. She found no errors. Many years ago, while taking courses in art and english, my diction and punctuation was awful. Whom so ever it is helping: THANK YOU!!! Maybe its Mister Cardine!!! No, I know its him.

    Why people want concrete proof is a mystery to me. Space itself is very elusive. Some people believe in religion and Gods or God is from heaven or the heavens. They believe in these things without question and then deny the existance of life outside our tiny planet. What a paradox!!! We can see there is countless visible stars; what about planets that do not give off light or reflect it. We have made many discoveries in locating them by the gravitational pull on stars they orbit. What about the wondering clouds of space dust? What is Dark Matter? Why is the universe speeding up?  

    There is a better chance of winning the lottery than there is a chance of there not being life in outer or inner space. Universes layered on each others t/s continunity...that is what I think God gave us to think about. And for those who believe; well, we can count on the fact that we all cease to exist in this life...In the next life it may look like the movement of the galaxies is so fast that we could correlate it to an explosion on Earth today. Think about that. A year on Earth would be less than the cosmic blink of an eye ; Or much less.

    Sorry for my punctuation LOL.

  9. I don't understand what any of ya'll are talking about...except G.S. The historical house I'll be going to is being I'm kinda curious if the remodeling will have an effect on the ghosts that are thought to be there.

  10. No. Paranormal  events occur because our senses are limited and there's more going on than our limited science can measure. Earth is a testing ground for new souls, not a be-all, end-all in itself. Life here is just the 'tip of the iceberg', a boot-camp to find out who's worthy of eternity. We're not supposed to have all the answers, here, but the answers we do have are sufficient.

  11. Why would you assume that it's not perfect?

    It could be actually the way things are supposed to be.

    I think everything is the way things are for our growth on this earth....

    but who am I....

  12. Interesting idea! That is possible, but we really don't have the big picture yet.  Maybe rips and crossed wires are the way it is setup to work.  That would explain why paranormal things are so hard to repeat when you want them to.  I think it is a given that time and space are freaky, if not down right flawed or even broken in some places.  One of the things that has always caught my attention are the reports of UFO's that they seem to fade in and fade out, or seem to be just out of focus.  Could it be that they are slipping through the cracks in time and space, and that they maybe from our future not some other planet?  I think you maybe right.

  13. i disagree. they happen based on dead people.

  14. I'd indulge in limited agreement with zombie [along with what each of the others said, though with more reservations].

    My thought is that a cumulative body of evidence is gradually explaining a lot of why such things happen, and that they happenings aren't from a single source.   For that matter, I think there's reason to believe we're going to have to break down some boundaries in our thinking to even conceptualize the places to look for some of the causes.

    Just my particular bias speaking.

  15. Which paranormal events are you referring to?


  16. Human psychology and the desire to see/hear/sense something that isn't there because it comforts/intrigues/mystifies you.

  17. I wouldn't be able to buy into that unless you could write out the mathematical equations relating space-time to supposed paranormal events. Without that linkage this could only be speculation, and especially so since there isn't much evidence that paranormal events even happen, hence the "para" prefix. I think the explanations for paranormal events can be found much closer to our human realm of experience.

  18. I believe we just don't perceive everything but sometimes a phenomenon slips to our perception capability and that is what we consider paranormal. If you think about it everything we perceive is just our brains interpretation of the electrical signals it receives from our senses. There could be all kinds of stuff our brain just can't process and therefore it doesn't exist naturally.

  19. Sorry, there's no evidence that there's any problems, glyches, or rips in spacetime.  And really no way that could happen either.  If you wanted to claim that, I would have to go with TR and say 'show me the math'.  You're welcome to come to my lecture on relativity tomorrow to present your side.  :)

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