
Paranormal experience??

by  |  earlier

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have you ever had a paranormal experience? eg seen a ghost, ufo ect??




  1. My younger sisters were having a sleepover, and telling ghost stories.  My older brother and I thought it would be funny to scare them, so he agreed to walk down the upstairs hall at midnight in this old black kimono we had with a hood. Later, I heard screams and looked up to see a hooded figure in black drifting past my doorway. Stifling giggles, I went to console my sisters and their friends who were all freaking out.  The next day, I knocked on my brother's bedroom door to congratulate him on the deception, only to find he had not come home.  Later that day I found out that not only had he not been home, he had totally forgotten about the plan as he was drinking with friends in another small town 30 miles away!

  2. Um...yeah, I had one or two when I was young. Like, one night I was sleeping, but you know how you awake when people stare at you for a long enough period of time? Well I woke up and sat up in bed. [slept on the bottom bunk] There was a light under my door that I thought came from the hall light, but it moved under the door, across the floor and like up into the air beside my bed. I thought it was a dream so I slapped my face a couple of times. When I looked back at it it was shaped like a person about my height (at the time) and was moving closer and closer to me. I laid back down, but before I could snatch the covers over my head it leaned in real close to my face and I felt heat from it on my skin. I wanted to just scream, honestly, but I couldn't. My mom opened the door and as light from her bedroom poured in the thing just went away. I shot up in my bed and slammed my forehead against a support bar that held up the top bunk. Ouch. I thought I was hallucinating, but I'll humour my friends and say it was paranormal. Sorry for the long-winded story.

  3. yep,

    Whilst showering i sometimes feel a cold chill down the length of my spine subsequently followed by a red heat sensation in my back only to discover i have scratches along the length of my back.

    When i sleep i keep getting the same recurring dream of me being chased by a figure hooded with red gleaming eyes. Strangely enough, when he reveals the hood i see a guy kinda like my dad.. and funnily enough my dad's younger brother was shot when he was 15.

    My brother also claimed to have encountered a demon and the spirit of my uncle (my mum's eldest brother whom was involved in a car crash)

    it's sad i'm haunted by my uncle especially when he is quite sinister and malevolent...

    i don't noe why though...probably upset about something to do with my family..

  4. To many to post here. 15 yrs of paranormal investigative experience, i have seen, heard and experienced plenty enough to know beyond a shadow of doubt, LIFE is not over, when it's over physically.


  5. When I was younger, I had a Ouija board. Needless to say, I opened a can of worms. Several times I saw a man in my room. My brother swore he heard something jumping up and down on the bed when I wasn't there. I worked at a sub shop, which was haunted. The doors would swing on their own, and if you were alone in the dining room, you could swear there was someone watching you. I also worked at a retail store that harbored a ghost for a couple of months. Me and my co-workers witnessed things falling from shelves, shadows early in the morning and disembodied voices. To this day, I still encounter unexplainable things.

  6. Well when I was a little boy I saw what looked liked a UFO it was small and round and it had strange red lights on it, till this day I still remember that time.

  7. ever seen passing dark shadow twice in diferent locations in one journey driving  one early morming 2 to 3 am alone,give spiritual offerings at road junction by mom before fell sick for a week .prosessed.

  8. i work night shift in a nursing home and we often see dark shadows go past us,feel someone touch us and hear murmers,i had a photo taken of me at work on a mobile phone with a face on the blinds i posted on YA,but noone believed me everyone said it was photoshopped, oh well

  9. @l my life, My d@ughter & I c@n see he@r,& feel them. they like to hide things. Even turn on the bufner to my stove. I think its funny, but it fre@ks out my BF.

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