
Paranormal experiences, anyone?

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I live in a weird house. I've woken up to the sound of heavy breathing in my room, I've fallen asleep with my clock on the right side, and I'd wake up with it on the left side, a crucifix in the hallway has been turned upside-down, everyone has heard thumps and doors slamming, one time a couple notes on the piano played by themselves, my dog will start freaking out over nothing that I can see, etc.




  1. Beware their are alot of evil Spirits out there and it is harmful you to communicate with them.   Jesus said that I am the way truth and life no one comes to The Father but through him. All other avenues of communication are forbidden. Becasue Jesus is our mediator between us and God. Jesus was God who took form of amn do die ion our stead, rise from the dead and give us eternal life through sacrifice on the cross

  2. I've not had such extreme experiences and you should consider yourself very lucky to be this close to the other side.

    At the same time be careful because the crucifix being turned upside down could also be a warning.

    Still, I've had myself woken up by the sound of breathing behind me on the bed and after several times of rolling over to check who was there and finding no one a ghost (Seems like my grandmother, or grandfather) was snuggling with me.

    i've also had many dreams about odd things like missing experiences of my day, lunar eclipses and they all turn out true.

  3. It's obviously a demon at work.

    But if you don't buy into that mystical c**p, then take some time to figure out what's going on. You can do a lot of mischief in your sleep, like sleepwalking, and you can dream about hearing breathing. Perhaps it was your dog's breathing?  Knocks are common in houses at night, it's just the wood expansion. And maybe something in the house is playing a joke on you.

  4. It could just be something you ate............

  5. Set up a camera,that'll catch em...

  6. We have a ghost who likes to open doors that have been shut, listen to the radio (we come home and it is on) and occasionally move things around.  It seems to be particularly active when changes are going on in the house, like re-doing a room or after we have had guests to stay.  It seems to be a benign spirit, doesn't do any damage, but it was creepy at first.  Oh, also, when we still had a land-line phone, it would make the phone ring late at night.  I 've never seen him, but my nephew saw him from the time he was 2 until about age 5. He seems calmer when we acknowledge that he is there.

  7. Definitely. I am not sure of what you can do, but one thing that stuck out at me was the turned upside-down cross. That is an insult to God and is a very Demonic thing to do. It could be that this house is haunted by evil spirits. The fact that most of these things are loud and require moving things is a sign of a poltergieist, which are usually evil souls. Maybe someone was murdered in that house, or even on that property. I can suggest to get a priest to come and bless the house, or to be honest, try to move out. I have a slight expertise on these types of things for I studied it. But you will defnitely need to check that out, and pay attention to the event types, because those can be an indicator on the type of spirits haunting you.


  8. I lived in an old house where i would hear someone walking on the stairs and then have the feeling there was someone in the room with me.  Every night i would make sure the bathroom door was shut all the way due to not wanting my 1 year old to get into medicine and stuff and then wake up and the door would be wide open.  It was a freaky house and i hated it when my boyfriend would go to work at night.  If i went in the basement to do laundry i would swear that something else was there with me hanging over my shoulder.

  9. dun dun dun your house is haunted ooooooooooo

  10. Try catching some EVP's--with all the activity you may get some proof. A digital camera may catch something also.

  11. You could be dealing with a poltergeist or a restless soul who has no regard for religious belief. The manifestations could get even worse and there is a great possibility that it could lead to violent manifestations. Something must be done with that house immediately or you better move out and find a new place.

  12. Are you idiot? hahahaha          maybe your abnormal person. hahahahahahaha

  13. watching the Twilight Zone! idk i was jus s******g around

  14. I think your house is hunted...but to confirm that hire a medium to come and take a look...

  15. you should move out of that house immediately.

  16. Tell him to leave your stuff alone and that you won't touch his stuff, he he.

    It's trying to get your attention....animals have better sensory, and senses it there. You can try speaking to it, ask it it's name and see just what type of spirit it is and what it wants. Some of them will speak, if you can hear it.

  17. Usually, it's the guy living in the attic who is trying to drive everyone out so that he can have the house to himself.

    However, there are many things that the scientific method has yet to explain or may never be able to explain.

  18. Hmmm don't really believe in the paranormal exactly but these occurances sound very strange..... Have you tried praying. It does not sound like this "ghost" wants to hurt you... he feels like your clock belongs on the other side of the bed and he likes to play the piano..  Just ask him to please not play the piano you need piece and quiet when you are trying to sleep and tell him you want the clock where you left it , maybe he will adapt to your preferences and the two of you may get along just fine

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