
Paranormal experiences: are they real? How do you explain ghost sightings?

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case in point: A friend of mines' girlfriend told me recently about how his deceased father suddenly and unexpectedly appeared to her, who actually passed away a couple of years ago. she and my friend were watching television together when it happened (this happened a couple of months ago), and it must've scared the dookie out of her. my friend said that he didn't see the apparition, but he believed her because she was quite visibly spooked when it happened. he also said that he believed his father knows that he doesn't want to see him, and for that reason did not appear to him- he only appeared to his girlfriend. these are two very serious people, and i know they wouldn't kid around about something like this- in fact, the girlfriend told me that she never believed in anything like that until her experience a few months ago- both of them have no idea how or why this happened, but are now very curious about such phenomena. Is anyone familiar with such experiences? How can this happen?




  1. Your friends girlfriend? A friend of a friend, of a friend. This is the most convenient way "ghost" stories get started. "I knew someone who..."

    No, paranormal experiences are not real, and they only happen to "other people". Have you ever seen a ghost...I wouldn't believe you anyhow.

  2. For me, it is quite common to have spirits "show themselves". However, they tend not to manifest in any physically visual form due to the fact that I have this weird thing about keeping this world and the spirit world separate.

    And if I can see it plain as day, then my brain says it is "this world" and if I *know* somebody is there but cannot see them physically then I know it is in the spirit world...and the spirits know that it would scare the c**p out of me if they "popped in" all the time.

    Your friends father could know this about his son and thereby not 'showing himself' to the girlfriend could just be sensitive that way...and they CAN select who they will show themselves to or they won't.

  3. I was very skeptic until I started a paranormal group in South Jersey. I did not believe in EVP either. But now I am convinced we are not alone here!! Check it out!

  4. Yes. Many people have paranormal experiences so the experience is certainly real. Unlike the debunkers I will not call your friends crazy, drug users, or liars and assure you that many people from all walks of society from lowest to highest in terms of education and reputation have had these experiences.

    Secondly, the truth is nobody knows how to explain this but there are people (again unlike the debunkers) that are at least trying to find out. The best book on the subject (sadly) was written in 1901 and is called "Human Personality and It's Survival of Bodily Death" by FWH Myers.

    There are many theories on ghost sightings like the one you described including ESP. For instance the girlfriend could have picked up the information from your friend and then projected (via her mind) an image of his father. This would allow only her to see it (a hallucinatin) and not him.

    Of course there is also the idea of an actual spirit that communicates via ESP (explaining why she saw him but he did not).

    I am not saying this is what happened only that these are possible explanations.

    Michael John Weaver, M.S.

  5. So ghosts can choose whom they are visible to?  If that's the case then the ghost had a reason to appear to her.  What is this reason?  Did it say or do anything?  Did it impart any kind of message?  If not, then why did it appear?

    The best way to look at this is to look for common elements.  If this girl has experienced a lot of paranormal events then it's possible that she's the "problem".  I know a girl who claims she can see angels and auras.  I don't believe for one second that such things exist, but I believe she thinks she sees them.  Know what I mean?

  6. Spirits are all around us.  Everywhere we go.  Spirits have crossed over and have chosen to come back to visit.  Ghosts are the entities that have not crossed over.

    Spirits of our loved ones come back and check on us from time to time to see how we are doing.  Sometimes they come back to see us to give us a warning.  I have experienced this first hand.

    For more info and evidence on ghost or spirits taken from our investigations go to

  7. The common denominator with such ghost stories is that they are just that -- stories. Where is the evidence? There is none.

    Now, I don't know these people, so don't take this personally. I don't know if they tend to be pranksters, if they have some strange plan, perhaps a weird sense of humor, or maybe they just are jerks who like to tell tall stories, maybe had a few too many drinks, or maybe even drug users. How can I know? Even if none of those things apply and they are telling the truth, how do I know that the girl who saw the apparition is in good mental health? I have no way to know. For that matter, I don't know you either and whether I can trust what you are saying or not. How do I know you've got the facts straight? How do I know someone didn't embellish the story along the way? There are myriad possibilities here and I don't propose that any particular one is correct, but only that there are way too many to blindly accept this ghost story as being true and accurate.

    The only ghost sightings that need explanation are the ones that come with solid, objective evidence that can be observed and tested. And so far, there are no such cases that I know of.

  8. well my dad passed 8 years ago,and he has come to me twice,i think they are try to get a message to us,because both times i understood what he wanted me to do,the last time he talked to me,and told me what to do.i can't explain it but it happens.

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