
Paranormal expiriences?

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has anyone everhad a paranormal expirience of anykind?




  1. No, it is my opinion that nobody has ever had a paranormal experience. Certainly many people think they had, and there could be a whole host of reasons why, including hoax, optical illusion, visual problems, power of suggestion, confirmation bias, deception, dreams, sleep paralysis, or neurological problems. These are all far simpler and more likely explanations than the idea that there are ghosts floating about interacting with the physical world.

  2. I lived in a haunted house.  I heard loud knocking on the walls of different rooms, lights were turned on upstairs, footsteps up and down the stairs at night.  Always figured it was a ghost but I never saw anything.  I did think my dogs could see it because they would growl and hair bristle up on necks and stare at something I couldn't see.  I was glad to move away from that house.

  3. Yes!

  4. I have had hundreds or thousands of paranormal exteriences beginning at the age of 5. I lived in a haunted house during most of my early life.

  5. Hi:

    I think it is so funny when people with scientific backgrounds actually have some experience they cannot explain.  I have heard that approximately 1 in 4 people actually believe in paranormal phenomena.   It seems like most really skeptical people believe once they experience something firsthand.

    I have a high IQ and a college degree, and I do programming work, so I am not easily fooled or really superstitious.  I have seen and experienced odd things that I cannot explain.  I see strange blips of light from time to time - I checked with a physician to see if it might be some condition of my eyes, and didn't get a satisfactory answer from that, and not only that, I haven't noticed these lights for several months at least, so it is unlikely it is a physiological or psychological issue.  Sometimes it seems like when I am in the kitchen, and I can hear the TV going in the living room, it seems like voices are talking over the TV noise, but that hasn't happened in a while, but if it does, I'm going to try to listen better to determine if this is really happening.

    The most strange thing that has happened to me in my house (that I think is lightly haunted) is about two or so years ago I was sitting in my living room, and to my left at about eye level, I noticed out of the corner of my eye a piece of gray-white stuff that looked like it was about a foot long and several inches across and a general rounded shape was floating about a foot away from me.  It was right next to the air conditioning/heating vent, and I initially thought it might be a piece of loose cobweb.  Like a reflex move, in the split second when I turned to get a better look it was completely gone  - if it was a cobweb or dust, there would have been some trace of it right there, but there was absolutely no physical evidence of anything that I could detect.

    In several months, I haven't really seen or heard anything else, other than occassional light flashes in odd spots that exist for a fraction of a second.

    Hope that gives you some information.  If you want to read more about other people's experiences, you might visit the shadowlands website.  Some peoples stories are a little beyond belief, but when you read accounts from people like police officers or firemen, security guard and other people who are really probably fairly reliable and have good educational backgrounds, they really are more credible.

  6. I once lived in a house in Ohio that was part of the underground railroad.In the basement there was a dairy that told of their travel from Virginia. Well this ghost wouldn't let us remodel the upstairs any changes we made they would destroy that night. and the stairwell was very steep and unstable,and if you were going down them at night the light would always go off when you got to the middle. We had an old rocking chair that would rock on it's own. Sometimes you could see a woman sitting in it when it started rocking.

  7. I don't think so.It's all imagination and misinterpretation.Sometimes delusion or deception.What it isn't is real.In my respectful opinion,it's silly to believe in the paranormal.There's just no evidence,zero, zilch,nada.

  8. i have.. once i was sleeping in my room and i heard this noise of a woman moaning and wailing and i looked to see and nothing was there. it was just this noise i went to go check on my other family members to see if if was them, but all were fast asleep

  9. ,like: telephaty,clairvoyance,pre-cognition ....yes have experienced

    "The way to find out whether anything exists or not is to depend on the testimony of the ears and eyes of the multitude. If some have heard it or some have seen it then we have to say it exists. If no one has heard it and no one has seen it then we have to say it does not exist" -(Mo Tzu or Mozi ( 490-403 BC)

  10. Yes,I have,I not only heard a ghost,but,felt it.I felt cold,and it was making breathing noises.I heard its footsteps.I also thought I saw a ufo,it had trianglular lights at bottom,one was green,one blue,and,one red.There was a huge orange light in center.It flew past and I couldn't see it anymore.What the h**l was that!I once saw a mass of moving black matter in the dark clouds,didn't know what that was!It was going so fast though,and I could hardly see it.I once saw flashes of a shadow cross over left eye,than right after another my right eye.Don't know what those were,but,my eyesight might have been messed up,I had been in the sun all day.But,it was wierd!Other things have happened,I just can't remember them right now.

  11. Dunno, pick something and I'll share the story -- though I don't think I've ever been telekinetic or have teleported...but what do you want? Spirits, Angels, Demons? See 'em, hear 'em...can't get them to shut up.

  12. one time our family rented this really old house from like the 18th century  in nantucket it was fully restored and has good appliances and everything it didn't seem like it would be haunted so we stayed there for a week i had only one paranormal experince i left a boook on the couch and it was on the other end of the couch oppisite of the edge it slide across and fell of the couch i never thought much of it and i just put it back on and nothing else happened

  13. Yeah I use to have a lot of them when I lived in this one house when I was little. The rocking chair use to rock by step sister had a brush thrown at her and I was in the same room and whitnessed toy car rolled across the room and the craziest one was when we woke up and our room was changed around.My grandma said that happend to her too.

  14. Every Sunday at 10:45AM.  Unless I go to the early service that week.

  15. ive had plenty, but cannt explain them all here, but if you want to know about other peoples cases go to ed and lorraine,s web site, and check out some of their cases

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