
Paranormal games? spirits?! helpp meee. =]?

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anyone know any games? any games that involves spirits or ghosts or anything. tell me about your experiances. =] thank yee. =]




  1. The game that started me on paranormal investigation was called "Knockers" and we played by shutting off all the lights in the house and sitting as a group in a room. We had a pleasant conversation before playing, mostly just making sure that everyone knew that all they had to do was to say they didn't want to continue in order to end the game. Luckily, we played for over an hour before someone decided it was actually boring.

    We cleared a room out and had everyone sit on the floor, so that there was no "faking" a knock without someone seeing.

    What we did was we set up a car battery (freshly charged) in the room. This battery supplied a power source so that the ghost could manifest. The car battery was set up to a power level meter, and was (very importantly) not plugged into anything else.

    We then started calling out to anyone who might be in the house, and asking them to come and join our conversation. When people began feeling a little uneasy, we went into the actual game.

    The question is: "If there's anyone else who can hear us, please knock loudly like this." We gave a loud rap on a nearby door (or might have been the wall, it's been a few years and I don't remember). We waited a few seconds (seemed like about 10 seconds, now that I remember), and then asked again. On the third try, we got a knock in another room.

    Then we started asking questions. We got the number of people in the house (correctly, our group plus three), and on occasion we got someone claiming to hear someone laugh from outside the room (though I myself never heard any laughter). We set up the required number of knocks, but above about four knocks, we started having problems with the strength of the knocks.

    I should note that the battery was completely drained, and that we were sure to thank the ghost when it was over. The people who lived in the house reported that they started having strange things happen in their home after that, but nothing harmful. All they did was politely ask the ghost not to be so noisy, and promised to acknowledge it once a day.

    They also reported that they later got the ghost's first name with another round of "Knockers" and once they started referring to the ghost by name and acknowledging it, it seemed to be perfectly content being quiet unless there was a reason not to be. Further interaction with this particular ghost via EVP got me into serious paranormal investigation, and it's all because of this silly game we played with about 10 people in a room one bored Saturday night.

  2. Some really creepy evil stuff happens with those, I would definitely NOT recommend this to anyone... Unless of course I hate them. XD Just Kidding. But yeah, if you look up paranormal experiences with ouija and the wiji boards, you'll find hundreds of stories about people that have used them that have seen some really creepy c**p. Some people have been possessed even.

  3. The Ouija board is another name for a spirit board.  It is called that due to its apparent ability to communicate with the dead.

  4. well theres bloody mary but i agree with the first answer u can really get hurt and yes u can get cuts or have somthing that gets throw at your head i was thinking if ur in a room full of books playing with spirts mind i would duck.!

  5. Please.....just don't try it.

  6. why would you want to do that?  I don't know of any reason someone would want to Play a game with something that so little is actually known about.  It could turn out to be dangerous.

  7. The paranormal isn't something you just play a "game" with. Do you know what happens when you mess with that kind of power? You get hurt. Not badly most of the time. That is, if you're lucky. There are people that have had their souls stripped strait from their body. I visit one on a regular basis at our local hospital, yeah i know. He lived through it. And it's scary as h**l. (no pun intended) There are people who have been torched to a crisp. I'm not talking sunburn. I'm talking 3rd and 4th degree burns. (yes fourth degree exists. it's when even your bones start to burn.) So heed my warning and don't do that. If you draw a pentagram you are inviting harm into that room with you. Yeah, you might be safe the first few times but even if the demons and malicious spirits don't get to you, you're hooked on it. you'll keep doing it because it didn't get you that time. But it will eventually.

  8. If you play games with spirits you will get a bad reaction. There are so many horror stories about peopel that were 'doing a ouija board at a party for a laugh' and really scary things happen. Somethin like a ouija board is a tool - imagine you phone someone up on the telephone and keep phoning them and asking them stupid question. They will get annoyed and if they had the power to give you a good fright, they'd do it.

    So if you play games with things like that, spirits will be mischevious and teach you a lesson.

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