
Paranormal help!?!?

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I need information on spirits that protect the living. Maybe the spirits are a lost loved one. Thanks in advance





  1. on the computer go to gentle wind . com center for conscious living

  2. I choose to live in an evidence-based world.  In all of my years I have yet to encounter anything--either by evidence or reason--that suggests such things exist.  I encourage you to believe in what you choose, but make sure you have a good reason for believing in it.

  3. Lay off the beer

  4. Hello, Jenn,  I am Nancy, the mom of a clairaudient and clairvoyant daughter, now 23 and in grad school.  As the  director of the Enchanted Forest Intuitive Arts Camp and co-moderator of a yahoo egroup for psychic families, I field a lot of metaphysical questions from over 40 years of study and experience myself as well.  

    You actually haven't asked us a question.  Please let us know the situation and I'm sure we can help.  Spirit/souls comes in many forms and for many reasons, just as in physical life.

    I would suggest that "lost" souls are not currently in a position to "protect" anyone; so if you are asking what kind of spirit is visiting you, no doubt it is some other form of conscious being.

    If you are asking about how to GET protection from the spirit world - that is a time honored and easy answer: ASK!  My daughter has told me years ago that her angel guides are very specific about this point. It's part of the law of non-interference.  The asking can come in any form - just even crying out for help! I do suggest that you or anyone who wants inner guidance use some kind of phrase that includes help from those of the CHRIST Light and Love - so that you don't attract the souls of "lesser Light" instead (i.e. a first grader would not be much help on a physics exam for a 12th grader).   Sincerely, Nancy in Asheville, NC

  5. guardian angel?

  6. Try the fiction/religion section of your local bookstore.

  7. To Gypsy Whitemoon...

    With all due respect, I find your explanation... difficult to accept.

    Firstly, petrol tanks hardly ever explode in accidents. Despite what the movies show us, it is almost unheard of in real life. It is far from the greatest risk you would face in an accident.

    Secondly, having an empty tank will actually increase the chances of an explosion, not decrease it. Fuel will not ignite unless it is vaporised, it needs to mix with air before it can be ignited. This is why we have carburetors and fuel injector jets, they vaporise the fuel and mix it with air so that it can be ignited. You could probably throw a lit match into a full tank without an explosion but an empty tank has far more fuel vapour in it than a full tank and would likely explode (or at least burst into flames) if you did the same. Therefore, if  spirits were telling you to only put $5 in, they were actually making it more likely to explode. Furthermore, if it had exploded or caught fire, that oil all over you would not have done you any favours.

    Thirdly, the glass in modern windows doesn't tend to cut you because it shatters into cubes without acute angles. I rolled my car years ago and every single window shattered. I was sprayed with glass from all sides but only had very minor scratches from it (hardly drew blood) which is exactly the way it's designed. In a car accident, being cut by window glass is the least of your worries. Wouldn't it have been more useful if the "voice" had told you to stop at a bedding store and buy pillows so that you didn't break your ribs instead of oil? Or, for that matter, to just tell you not to turn down Death Rd and tell you the correct way home instead? Seems like that would have been a lot simpler.

    What was it that happened?

    I think you bought $5 of petrol and a container or oil on a whim, got lost and had a car crash. Pretty simple. There is no evidence of any intervention by a spirit or angel. The events that you claim protected you, in reality didn't do anything and, even if they had, the effect would have been minor and obscure while far simpler intervention would have saved you completely.

    I find the fact that you ascribe certain fortuitous or unfortunate events in your life to unseen protective or malevolent forces to be, frankly, baffling.


    EDIT - In response to Gypsy Whitemoon's edit...

    (apologies for the length)

    Judging from the tone of your response, I seem to have offended you. That was not my intent and, for that, I apologise.

    The fact remains however that, despite your claims to the contrary, my comments are factual, well informed, and based on scientific principals that you can verify if you care to (and I encourage you to do so), where as yours are not.


    You wrote - "As for glass not cutting people what a load of hooey. Have you ever seen an accident victim covered in blood after a very bad accident I have."

    Your reasoning on this point is flawed. Yes, unfortunately I have seen accident victims bleeding from their injuries.  However, it does not necessarily follow that their injuries were from the shattered window/windscreen glass. The fact that there are cases where the accident victim is bleeding from their injuries but none of the windows have shattered (either due to them being laminated rather than tempered or the fact that the impact did not break them) is proof of this. There are many objects that people can, and do, come into contact with in a car accident (the dashboard, steering wheel, vehicle body, various loose objects, other people, etc., etc.) and these can all cause serious lacerations with resultant internal and/or external bleeding. The tempered glass used in cars is designed to minimise injury in a crash and it works very well. Barring bad luck (such as getting a piece in your eye), in most cases they do very little, if any, damage.


    You wrote - "My car was a 1964 car. You assumption that it was a modern day car goes with the theme of your overall observations of my story was based on aassumptions." [sic]

    True, I did make certain assumptions, as does everyone in almost everything they do. The critical thing, of course, is to use your knowledge and/or experience to ensure that the assumptions you make are reasonable ones. Tempered safety glass windows/windscreens have been used in cars going back as far as 1919 and by the 1930's it was used almost exclusively. This was the case right up until the mid 1970's when laminated glass started to become more common. A car from the 60's would almost certainly have tempered safety glass installed (or laminated safety glass if the windscreen had been replaced more recently). The assumption that I made is that you were driving a car built some time after the 1930's (or at least fitted with a windscreen made after the 1930's). Given the fact that it was highly unlikely that you would be driving a 70+ year old car, I feel that that was a pretty reasonable assumption to make. Especially given the fact that it was a correct one.

    I do find it strange however, that you accuse me of basing my argument on assumptions (I take it you mean inaccurate assumptions) when your assumptions are far less accurate and based on little or no evidence.


    You wrote - "You don't have to believe my story but I will say one thing on your uninformed petrol theory. Rolling with a full tank as I was later told by an expert and not heresay from someone who is bored/drunk and uninformed that- a car has a greater risk of exploding with a full tank rather than an empty one." [sic]

    I flatly reject your contention that a full tank is more likely to explode than an almost empty one and also that my assessment is uninformed. Frankly, your "expert" is wrong. Furthermore, I suggest that you look up the term "hearsay" because, contrary to what you say, it is your claim that is based on hearsay, not mine. I don't need to rely on what somebody else has told me about the combustibility of fuel in order to determine whether or not this is true because I am able to determine it myself from first principles (i.e. from what I know of physics and chemistry - I'm an Engineer by the way so I have studied these subjects extensively).

    Firstly, as I mentioned previously, there is almost zero chance of your fuel tank exploding in a crash no matter how full it is. Secondly, fuel will not burn (or explode) unless it is well mixed with an oxidizer. In most cases, including this one, the oxidizer is air (which contains about 21% oxygen). This is one of the reasons why internal combustion Engines (ICEs) use carburetors and fuel injectors instead of just letting the fuel flow directly into the combustion chamber. Look it up for yourself if you don't believe me. In a full tank there is no room for the fuel vapour to accumulate but in a mostly empty tank, there is plenty of room. The optimum mix of fuel to air is about 15:1 so it's when your tank is about 1/15th full (or 6.67% full) that the tank is most likely to explode if an ignition source is introduced. This is also why welders avoid repairing fuel tanks when they are empty. Of course the safest thing to do is to properly flush the tank of all fuel and fumes and then weld but it's safer to weld a full tank than an empty one with just fumes in it.

    Your other comments about me being bored or drunk, etc. (for the record, I'm neither), have no bearing on the facts in this matter at all. I can only assume that these remarks were some sort of attempt to discredit me and, by association, the factual inaccuracies that I pointed out in your original story. While it's somewhat disappointing to have someone resort to these sort of childish tactics, I assume that they were engendered by the offense that I obviously gave in my initial post so I am willing to overlook them without taking offense in return and I will make no further reference to them.


    You wrote - " Did you realise you own reply was all about me? My I am flattered!!!"

    You seem to be confused about my intention in making these comments. It was not to belittle your beliefs (although I certainly don't agree with them) nor to bring them any further attention. Perhaps this is my fault for not expressing myself clearly enough.

    My intent was simply to point out (to you and especially to others) that, given the fact that a mostly empty fuel tank and a coating of motor oil would do little or nothing to protect you from injury, it seems illogical that some sort of spirit would decide to help you in that way. Not only did it not help you, it actually put you at sightly greater risk of injury. The facts prove this.

    If a spirit did exist and had the intention of helping you to avoid injury, there were many other ways in which it could have helped you that require far less intervention and are far more effective. The obvious example is that it could have simply compelled you not to take the wrong turn. You would then never have gotten lost and into the accident in the first place. However, you have not offered any sort of explanation as to why this "spirit" would have intervened in such an obscure and convoluted way when the end result was the same as if it had never intervened at all.

    Why is this important? It's important because you ascribe the events preceding the crash (i.e. the impulse to buy the oil and only $5 of fuel) to some sort of unseen entity based solely on the assumption that the results of that impulse saved you from injury. Yet, as I hope I have just proven to you, this was not the case, they did nothing to save you. This means that the reasoning behind your conclusion that you were saved by a guardian spirit is void. The corollary of this is that the conclusion itself is a

  8. The belief of Protective spirits have been around for 1000's of years.

    This link is very interesting

    This is a very good book about using the spirit world for protection and guidance

    I would highly recommend this book to give you some understanding of your topic.

    this is another book that can help you on your journey.

    And another book

    all of these books will hepl you understand the importance and subtleness of the spirit world and how it can help all of us.

    Edit to tvsinesp: There are 1000's of beliefs in the world and they all have a place in the world. I personally think there is  nothing baffling about someone who believes that spirits are aiding or hindering them for example lets look at  Louisiana Hoodoo   many people in that part of the world believe in curses put upon them by other people.

    Lets look at Angels and angel protection which Doreen Virtue has made a career on!

    Really Gypsy Whitemoon's views and experiences and all the other people who have contributed on this forum all have validity.

    I myself have had many experiences with the spirit world and have heeded their warnings. As an Archaeologist I have had lots of work experiences where my work has taken me all over the world and I have had some personal experiences like the time I was warned prior to being attacked by a bull elephant.

    a lot of people dont detail their personal experiences for fear of being discounted or having their credability questioned, which is a pity because Yahoo is great with imput from lots of people.

  9. Spirits which is the same thing as demons don't protect the living. They do the opposite. Only Jesus Christ, the Holy Ghost and God protects people and God sometimes  directs his angels to protect people. Spirits however can be very deceptive. They often present themselves as good and innocent spirits but in truth and reality spirits are very dangerous. That is the why the bible forbids that persons become involved in invoking spirits because he knows the evil nature of demonic spirits and their deceptive nature.

  10. Hello,,not all protection comes from spirits, if you've ever read the Necronomicom,, amulets are part of the protection too. Sure it's crazy to some people but s***w them and the frog they hopped in on. The protection you desire can come from a lost relative, I've lost a brother in 1982 and still call upon his spirit with  great results, it works if you live it. But belief in all religions are not so bad if you can decipher the of the beaten path stories.

  11. I defende my experience no matter how illogical it may be in the same manner as a Christian would defend their faith. I have always been critical of Christians and the bible and now I know what it must feel like to have something you take comfort in and have faith in desecrated by a person attempting to dispel it by their logical conclusion. Thanks but I still maintain my view I was helped by a spirit.

  12. Since you haven't given any details of what sort

    of things are happening, all I can say is that some

    spirits do take helpful actions at times. But there's

    no guarantee they will continue to do so. If they

    are a lost loved one, then you must find someone

    who can enable them to achieve peace, as hanging

    around looking after you is not the intended path

    they should be following (not good for them).
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