
Paranormal help shadow figure doing odd things?

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I was sleeping and all of a sudden I wake up with something sucking on my leg area. I look to the left and a black shadow that is about 5ft6 on its knees is sitting at my bed. The second we come in eye contact it fled out of my room knocking down 2 things off my shelf near my bed. Anybody have a clue what this thing is.




  1. Not that I want to p**s off any fans of Jesus, but from many of the haunting cases I've studied, often times catholic exorcisms, or religious exorcisms of anykind of any religion, do not remove negative entities. In fact sometimes they only seem to make matters worse.

    One way to look at it, if you want a religious answer, God only helps those who help themselves. So do not be a cowering sheep and help yourself.

    Assuming such entities are real, then I think the best way to handle them is through remaining calm and rational. If you see this entity again, tell yourself to remain calm. Think of it this way, in all the years you've been alive have you ever been hurt by a ghost or some such being? I doubt it. And regardless if you believe in such things or not, fear is the enemy and it will only worsen the situation.

    So don't be afraid. If you are genuinly seeing something, don't let it control you through fear. If you see it, tell it to go away and to leave you alone and say it with conviction. If such entities exist they likely follow the natural of other animals and only attack prey they know they can kill. If you show it you are not worth the effort, then it should leave you alone.

  2. Sounds like you better get a paranormal research team in there stat. There are reputable organizations around every area. If you need to know of one in ur area just contact me, i myself am a paranormal researcher.

  3. Sounds like some sort of perverted prowler.

  4. Um.. well it sounds like you either have a pervert in your house or a very odd spirit. What seems strangest is that you knew the height and that it knocked things over. Spirits don't knock things over on accident nor do they run. Also it's strange that you saw or felt a spirit physically. This sounds like a person not a spirit. My advice, lock your door at night.

  5. Yes.  It's a devil.  Cast it out.  Believe in Jesus, ask Him to save you (from h**l which every human deserves-as a sinner)  And then tell the thing to go, and it will because you will have the authority of your Saviour.

  6. Are you open minded to the possibility this was a dream?

  7. This is definitely not "normal" behavior for a shadow figure. Additionally, most shadow figures are wary of human beings to the point of fear.

    My advice is to contact the local (or as local as you can get) paranormal investigation team, most of whom are listed by political region, state, province, or county. If nothing else, they may be able to offer more in-depth advice for your specific situation.

    I would also suggest that a shadow figure who physically interacts like this with a person is trying to get attention for an important reason. Typically, ghosts used to be people, and shadow figures tend to act in a way consistent with this idea, and are thus normal people.

    Contrary to at least two other answers, I will say firmly that most shadow figures are not demons, though there are elemental shadow figures that tend not to have much in the way of shape, and which (although intelligent in an unrefined way) don't have much more than animal instinct on which to operate. Taking on the shape of a human figure is a relatively sure sign that a shadow figure is not something you need to worry about.

    Since it left in such a hurry, might I suggest that it's more scared of you than you are of it? If it returns, a paranormal investigation team will be able to help to confront it, communicate with it, or advise you with how to proceed. In any case, their job is to help you and the better ones will do so for free.

  8. Ghosts do not exist. There are supernatural events that do occur, but once dead you either go to heaven or h**l. Angels and demons (both good and bad) are constantly around us, and certain demons can act as human spirits to confuse the mind or alter the beliefs. When our minds are altered we often seek the help with ojiua boards, tarah cards, mediums, horoscopes, and etc... all which are an abomination to God. It makes sense why satan would want to confuse people and trick them with his demons... but be careful not to side with satan, but with God alone. Have faith in Jesus, and know that God sent his only son to die on the cross to take away your sins, that he rose three days later, and will come again.

    p.s. try reading psalm 91 (prayer of protection)

  9. Its a demon!

    They are everywhere.  They feed off fear.  If you are vulnerable in any way, demons will be attracted to your weakness.  Ask God to make you strong.  Read the bible.

    Consult a Priest.  The Catholic Church has been the most successful in purging demons.

    Moving is probably your best bet.  However, you probably can't.  If you have been dabbling in the black arts, even reading tarot cards, stop!  It attracts spirits, not always good.

    I highly recommend going to church and talking about this with a professional.  There is a phrase you can use if you have to: "In the name of Christ, I command you to go back to where you came."  A demon must obey this command.  

    Hang a cross above your bed.  I lived in an apartment with a demon and 2-3 ghosts.  They stayed out of my bedroom when I hung the cross.  I could hear them moving about my apartment.  Thank God I never saw them!  My husband saw the demon.  He is Catholic and I believe God sent him to save me from that nasty thing.  Good luck.

  10. don't worry you were dreaming .

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