
Paranormal investagators

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The people who answered Can people help me debunk this photo. There is something paranormal at that place we went to. If you look at the picture again look closly at the head you will see it is an old inn keepers hat. I did research on the place and a man in black is spotted there. No one was wearing an inn keepers hat. Here is the link again.




  1. I'm still unconvinced. I believe you but there is just nothing there, if you look at a picture long enough you start to make things that are not there. I just ran your photo under 12 lenses and still nothing changed, its just a shadow.

    Yes please put an arrow. There's nothing there, sorry. I would label this under: non-paranormal/explainable.

  2. I don't see any hats, per say.

    All I see is a shadow that has 2 legs up against the wall, and it looks hunched over due to the limited overhead space.

    I even looked at the picture with a magnifying glass and didn't see the hat.

    Investigating the paranormal is interesting.

    But also keep in mind, some businesses will intentionally corrupt the site just to bring in more business.

    There could be speakers installed above ceiling panels.

    Or tiny air holes in dark areas to give one the sensation of a cold blast.

    If you and your family ever have an opportunity, go visit Gettysburg, PA. Not only because of the historical events, but you'll probably have an opportunity to explore other known haunted spots and maybe get some surprising pictures out of it.

  3. I see .."shaggy " from s****. Doo

  4. that's creepy man that's so cool though i love history and i can see that that is an old innkeepers hat for sure!!!

    can you give me more of the photos of the place you went to and the places name

  5. You need to clean the lens, or that is the worst camera I have ever seen.

    When something is that fuzzy your mind tries to fill in the missing data and you will see whatever you want to see.  The flash hit the post on the left side and bounced back on a dirty lens, causing the smudged lens to gray out the picture.  It could be anything but my guess is a bugger on the lens.

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