
Paranormal investigators, do Ghosts have any rights?

by  |  earlier

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Assuming they are the spirits of people.Do they retain any of the rights they had in life?Or,are they fair game to exploit in any way we'd like?Hunting,chasing and generally getting into their business.Please, don't say you do it to help them.That's not what you're all doing.




  1. I'm no paranormal investigator, but perhaps it would be a good analogy to compare a ghost to a loiterer. Instead of going to the light, they are causing problems by hanging around where they're not welcome. In that case, you could at least grant them something like the Supernatural Miranda rights:

    "You have the right to remain deathly silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a seance. You have the right to have a medium present during questioning. If you do not have a medium, one will be appointed for you."

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