
Paranormal investigators have you ever recorded EVP in a foreign language?

by  |  earlier

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Was there any connection to the language and the area you were recording in?




  1. not personally, but I have heard them that were identified to me as aforeignn language by those who speak it.

  2. all c**p

  3. No, however I haven't gone anywhere that anything other than english was spoken. I think it's just about where you are...if you are in the U.S the ghosts speak english, in France, they speak french.  

  4. a ghost hunter caught it in old german one saying come here or go away  also im staying here.

  5. Yes, I've personally caught EVP's in ancient Mandarin (took me 6 years to find that out and another 2 months to have it verified), as well as Spanish, French, and Apache (though the Apache has never been either translated or verified). I've also heard regional accents in EVP's.

    The Mandarin was recorded during a "possession" (which I'm still not convinced was genuine).

    The Apache stuff was recorded in Denver.

    The French stuff was recorded in the Boston area.

    The Spanish has been recorded in both Utah and California.

    Not sure if there was any connection, because I'm not yet sure how EVP actually works.

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