
Paranormal pictures?

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Just took these 2 pictures with automatic flash on. One picture was taken in a room with a um (urn). Lights were not on in either rooms when photos were taken with flash. Camera taken with a 8.2 megapixel camera. What do you think they are?




  1. The first pic I'm not sure about.

    The second pic looks like it was taken during the afternoon and the light looks like sun coming through the windows. If you look in the backround, the piece of furniture has a sweeping look to it as if you moved the camera or something.

  2. Are you talking bout the lights? Well I don't know they may show energy in the area.

  3. The 2nd one I would definitely say has  a ghost in it.  I have seen ghost pictures similar to that one before.

  4. I wouldnt think these are paranormal photos.. Im no expert, but they say the higher the mega pixels the more matrix it good for catching paranormal activity... These photos look just like my sisters photos, In one of my sisters photos, my nieces leg is see through..completely, just like in the first photo...

  5. It looks to me like you need to concentrate on keeping the camera still when taking a picture. I don't see anything mysterious here.

  6. It doesn't matter what's in the room.  If the flash were off then you wouldn't see the streaking.  This is not paranormal.  It's a problem inherent with digital flash cameras, especially cameras that aren't immobile.  Perhaps you should use a tripod?

  7. i think ur moving ur arm in front of it

  8. I've got a picture somewhere..not digital ..that's kinda like the first one...later found out we'd all been seeing a "ghost" (maybe) but hadn't told each other. Then , later..we remembered that picture. IDK...not saying it is..not saying it isn't!

  9. the second one is creepy.. but i have no idea... try it again in the same room

  10. Couple of questions:

    In order to prove these photos authentic, one must consider a few things:

    1 Did you use the zoom funtion in either one of the pics?

    2 Did you take a quick picture and run out?  If so, this could be caused by camera shake

    3. Exposure mode, what exposure (iso) were you using?  or what camera mode were you in while taking the shots.

    If your answers are "no" to the first two questions, and you were using 'auto' mode, you might very well have something.  However, in the future stop and see if you can actually sense something.  Is there paranormal activity at this home on a regular basis?  Having an urn in the room doesn't necessarly mean the place in haunted.  My brother has two urns in his home and its not haunted.

  11. They look like a 'pair a normal' pictures to me, double exposed.

  12. I guess my question would be why did you take these pictures?  Both seem like odd reasons to take a picture.  I don't think you were moving the camera, as not everything seems to have a blurr to it, however I do not especially consider still photos to be evidence of paranormal activity as cameras often cause their own imperfections, especially when the flash is used.
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