
Paranormal question? Do you ever feel like you are being watched?

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I think my house is Haunted. My Grandmother says that this is myGuardiann Angel. Why am I so scared then?




  1. Your grandmother is right, there's nothing to be afraid of. I feel watched all the time and it can be very disconcerting to be watched by something you can't see. I've been doing this for 5 years now and it still manages to get to me every now and again. Just try and remember that you're being watched OVER.

  2. Don't be scared..there are no ghosts or angels, etc. the are all imaginary!

  3. people are scared of what they dont know or understand.  i am a true beliver in ghost, spirits, and spirit guides.  a really good book that could help answer some of your questions is sylvia browne "if you could see what i see" and also "visits from the afterlife" both book really ring true. and i honestly believe your soul recognizes truth when you hear it.  i hope i helped : )  

  4. I actually have investigated for ghosts under exactly the circumstances you're describing. I would highly advise getting an EMF detector from your local hardware store (a cheap one works great).

    What happens is that electrical equipment (especially old wiring or equipment which is not properly shielded) can cause exactly this effect by generating an electromagnetic field (EMF). An EMF detector can isolate "hot spots" in your house and show you where the wiring and equipment is generating these fields.

    If you don't get "hot spots" then that's when it's time to call in a paranormal investigator to see what they can find. An EMF detector can help give you some piece of mind.

    Oh, and... don't worry about getting anything snazzy, all you need is something that shows where the fields are actually stronger and weaker. Some people suggest compasses, but these don't actually work for detecting weak fields which people with a high sensitivity to EMF's might react to. I know this because I myself have a pronounced sensitivity to EMF's.

  5. Yes, I get that feeling alot, and it's very eerie.  You're scared because it's an eerie feeling.

  6. Well, if it was your Guardian Angel watching you, you wouldn't be afraid. A good being, such as a angel, can not produce fear in someone. My house used to be haunted by 1 demon, and had 1 angel in it. The angel touched me twice, but It didn't scare me. Things of God, cannot produce fear.

    A more logical explination for your feeling of being watched could be well....many things.

    1) High EMF. An EMF is an electromagnetic field. Anything that produces electricity, has an EMF. Your stove has one, your lamp, T.V., light bulbs etc. That isn't paranormal. Something with a high enough EMF, can produce the feeling os being watched. Say you were in a basment, and there was a circut breaker right behind you. If it was uncovered, and had a high EMF ( Which is dangerous for your health by the way. ) You could get the feelings: Being watched, headahces, sick at your stomach, dizzy-ness and more.

    So you may not be being watched at all. Or maybe you are. Pray about it. And don't watch The Grudge one or don't want to know why.......

  7. I felt like this in the old house that I grew up in. I was very frightened. I had a little dog who use to sleep with me. He was a rat terrier named Butch and once he ran to the foot of my bed and barked and growled, scared me half to death. That old house is gone but I wonder if the spirit haunts the ground?

  8. If you ever watched the talk show Montel Williams and you have seen the psychic Sylvia Browne, she tells us that when you have that constant feeling that someone is watching you, it's most likely your spirit guide who is ALWAYS with you.

    Here is the definition of a spirit guide:

    What Is A Spirit Guide?

    According to theosophical doctrine, spirit guides are persons who have lived many former lifetimes, paid their karmic debts, and advanced beyond a need to reincarnate. Each is assigned to watch over an incarnate person, not only on this Earth, but on many other planets throughout the universe. Many psychics believe that spirit guides are chosen on "the other side" by us and God(s) before we incarnate and that they guide us to follow our life's plan because we want them to.

    She also says that we ALL have Guardian Angel(s) around us, so your grandma could also be right.

  9. Maybe your scared because It's a scary thought. Something that's not alive is watching you. It's normal. I feel like i'm being watched too. It's just slight paranoia that everyone gets every once in a while. Don't worry it's not like that movies. If they exist. They can't touch you.

  10. You are afraid because you feel someone watching you when you know there is no one living who is watching you. You could be sensing a spirit guide,a guarding angel or a spirit of someone who has died and lived there before. Most of the times there is nothing to be afraid of. The veil can be thin at times. Have you ever thought to ask out loud, "What do you want?" After all they are watching you for a reason. Don't be afraid, it is the living who will harm us.  

  11. There have been times when I have been in my room at night, and suddenly would be paralyzed with fear, as if there was something in my room staring at me. It was terrifying.

  12. There is no such thing as Gosts Angels or anything else like that. Its all the work of the human mind. If anything it just goes to show us how little we understand the power the mind has over the body. Of corse i could always be wrong seeing as how anything is possible. You could always move to someplace tropical ( they dont have gosts)  

  13. your imagination because angels do not show them selfs

  14. It very well could be or it could be a ghost. We are scared of things we don't know or understand and the feeling we get when anything kinda paranormal happens is partly due to the scary effect we see in movies.

    Wait and see what type of events start happening, if you have kids really listen to them because kids are more open to paranormal events. If the spirit you feel starts to become threatening or demonic...get out. One thing that is helpful to know is that a demon will make him self visible to you through your worst fear.

    But you might realize that this spirit could actually be a blessing...maybe it is a loved one that has passed on looking over you.

  15. "Do you ever feel like you are being watched?"

    Animal instinctive paranoia - your brain is just getting worried that their might be a predator lurking that you cannot see.

  16. yes

    some ghost have unfinished business

    and if not taken care of the soul can not pass on

  17. I hate that feeling.

    Sometimes, when I'm lying in bed at night, I think of something scary, or get paranoid, and I get that feeling for the rest of the night. It sucks.

  18. Not anymore.    Burn some white leaf sage in your house off & on for about a month or so.    If it is a ghost or poltergeist it will go away.  If it's an angel it may go too.   But an angel shouldn't scare you.  

  19. You're creeping yourself out with ghost stories.The tales in the previous answers aren't helping.Grandma is trying to help.

    You're scaring yourself by imagining things.Check out the link and read the follow up at the end.Keep an open mind and use common sense.The haunted house and ghost stuff will start to look awful silly.

  20. It's probably just the normal creeks, moans, and groans of the house. It happens all the time and you shouldn't worry about it.

  21. if there is a big metal box like a electirce box thats called a scare box it makes you alldizzy and hear things

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