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The house I had bought turned out to be haunted. I was a skeptic, 100% and the things that happened in my home made me become a believer. I am now a believer because of my haunted house. Anyways, I called the TAPS team and they gave me some personal references. I called one of their references and they stayed in my home for 8 days. They have footage and EVPs of many paranormal happenings in my home. They said it was haunted and they had it blessed, but the spirits wouldn't leave so they had it blessed a second time, but that just aggravated the spirits more. I've read it the bible and told it to go to the light, but it won't leave. TAPS has seen the footage and they were very impressed. They can't even explain it and it's TAPS!!!! I gotta sell this house. I had an open house, but some paranormal things occured and the lookers got scared. What w




  1. I'd turn the place into a Bed and Breakfast if I were you.

    And that would be the gimmick........people coming to witness the phenomenon, and you making a profit off of it.

    Plus you could use the TAPS investigation as a reason to come.

    People would pay money to see freak shows, so why not a real haunted house?

    People pay good money to stay in hotel rooms where phenomenon happens, or if a room is rumored to have a dead celebrity make it's appearance known.

    There are quiet a few Bed & Breakfasts' in Gettysburg, PA that boast being haunted. People will buy into it.

    Check with your local city ordinance first if you can do that.

  2. Get out of the house.  Why would you want to live in such an environment?  I saw a documentary on TV about how this 'feng shui' architect designed a house to deliberately attract and keep evil spirits.  Even the Buddhist Monk who performed the exorcism said they have about two months to get out.  You can't always win every battle and know when to try in the towel is a victory in itself.  If you can't sell because the spirits won't 'let' you because they're scaring everyone away then open it up as a "ghost house" and charge people to spend the night and include a video package and recordings of their ghostly stay.  I might like to spend a night...just to see... there are a lot of curious people out there.  Good luck.

  3. Its your home!do you really think a bunch of none believers,an skeptics are there for anything but the ratings?I watch taps too and I have found them more self serving,than helpful.there comments of their clients and fellow workers.....?looks like you need to start in the records ,history,towns unlimited resources,what stirred it up ?was there any knowledge or signs before you bought it.check the grounds.....take the information everyones gathered and your faith,and Gods hand,and getter done!keep us posted on your progress.Blessed be............and may you be strong in your beliefs and your god...............................bella

  4. I am afraid that I am left with more questions than answers....a lot would depend on the answers.  There are 2 ways to go.  If  the activity is not violent or mean spirited, I would continue to stand firm and take back my home.  You must project that you are the homeowner and that you insist that they leave.  It might take doing the same thing for a while, but more often than not, they will move along.

    I am assuming that you are at the very least upset by whatever activities that are taking place.  That is why you want to sell the property.  If you still want to sell, check with a local real estate office about the laws in your area regarding what is refered to a Stigmatized properties.  That covers a lot of areas and a haunted residence is considered stigmatized property.  This means that you have to disclose that to any potential buyer.  This could help you, if that law is in your area and you were not informed you can out from under the mortage of the property without losing your shirt.

    I am surprised if there is that much activity, you have not been contacted by TAPS to do the investigation themselves.  Have they offered?

    If the activity is dangerous to you and yours, do not take any chances with your physical and mental well being.  Leave the house if you need to.

  5. You are sitting on a gold mine Quick advertise your house as haunted and charge money and every freak with a camera will want to pay to capture that orb or face in their photo. Dont leave you could make money think of all the skeptics etc. Really I am always looking for haunted places to poke about in and give me a fright.

  6. Your full of it. bottom line and you ran out of points for the day. Aww.

  7. How about an exorcism?  My friend and I had to do one after we saw a spirit knock something off the wall in the living room of our apartment.  Scary!  We burned every book that had a Pegasus or unicorn on it, and prayed.  We burned a book on witchcraft page by page, and whatever we did - it worked!!!

  8. You shouldnt have to sell your house, rather you should find solutions...When something (evil) is in your home, or even around you, i find that blessing the area, with holy water and all, can have a reverse affect..It aggrivates the spirit more, believe it or gives me the creeps when people advise putting holy water in a shape of a cross through out the home..I find when they get aggrivated, they become stronger...On your last question.. The person who answered you very good, and i recommend you contact him...He hosts a paranormal interest radio show every week..and has a lot of great contacts as well as him please contact him, if you feel you need to contact someone...

  9. you should call the Penn State Paranormal Research Society. They are a group of college students and they are off of the show Paranormal State. Try writing Ryan Buell he is the leader of the team. They specialize in that stuff. Try looking for a email of number on their website


    They could help.

  10. If it were even remotely true I would invite the people from the links below.

    I consider the first one to be dishonest so make sure to invite the people from the second link as well so they can fight about the evidence. The third link might be able to get both a skeptic and a believer scientist out to your location.


  11. Nothing to worry about. You just need the right approach. Most ghosts are just the spirits of dead people who giot stuck on the earth plane. They are not evil or scary. Just people without physical bodies.

    Blessing doesn't really work.

    The ghosts just need a good friendly bit of persuasion to go into the Light. Usually they died in sudden or nasty circumstances and they got stuck .   You talk to them , ask for help  from their family or guides who are already in the Light  to reach out and guide them home. It takes a bit of counselling and persuasion.  

    It would take too long to explain the whole process here, but if you get the book Unquiet Dead, by Edith Fiore, the whole process is explained there.  

    It works. I have done it.

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