
Paranormal question (not interested in sceptic answers)?

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If the power of thought is as powerful as people say it is, and you can summon demons by saying their names. Are your thoughts private?

I'm careful not to say Bloody M-----Y because once when i was with a friend we said it one time randomly in a conversation and her mirror shattered. Maybe it was a coincidence, but i'd rather be safe than sorry.

If you can send energy to people with thought, then does the same thing apply to negative things. I cant always control what i think, i'm just nervous that i might be causing the negative things that are happening in my house to happen without even realizing or meaning to.

I'm serious about the sceptic thing to . I realize you dont believe, and i'm not at all interested in your opinion on "how crazy i am"




  1. just because science hasn't proven something yet ,does not mean it doesn't exist .it also doesn't mean u are crazy.  

    YES energy can be transmited by thought .(ever stare intently at the back of someones neck ? and watch them get uncomfortable?)

    don't worry about accidently hurting some one ,that won't happen.if u have negative energies in ur  house get somebody to clear it and maybe, if ur interested ,learn more about metaphysical matters ,just to set ur mind at ease .

    ps the world was round well before science proved it .!!

    and people fly in machines in the sky!! heresy and not proven by science.!!

    i think it's only a matter of time ,and learning HOW ,before science does prove mettaphysical things

  2. Being skeptical of spirits/demons doesn't mean that a skeptic has to call you crazy. Being superstitious isn't  a sign of mental illness, and in fact, I think most people carry some superstitions to some degree. So you're just superstitious, not crazy.

    That's a funny coincidence you mentioned, but if that happened to me and I thought it was maybe a coincidence, I'd be saying "Bloody Mary Bloody Mary Bloody Mary" in front of every mirror I could find just to make sure. Have you tried that? I think you should.

    No, you can't "send energy" with your thoughts. There is no scientific reason to think you can and nobody has ever demonstrated the ability, so it is just myth. Same for summoning demons. So my advice is to not worry about it and don't be so superstitious. Critically examine your beliefs and why you hold them and what evidence there is to support them.

    Bloody Mary Bloody Mary Bloody Mary!

  3. You're not crazy, just misinformed.  You can't send energy to people - your thoughts don't transmit energy.  We know quite a lot about energy from studying physics, and it doesn't work like that.  Don't worry about what you think - no one can read your mind, and you can't make things happen.  The mirror thing was a coincidence - words don't have the power to manifest things that don't exist.

  4. There are "senders" and "receivers". Maybe you are one of them. Some people are neither. Just because thoughts come into your mind..doesn't mean they're YOUR don't accept them as yours.Don't blame yourself...but don't follow the bad thoughts. Why do you think I wear this gold beanie? (couldn't find an aluminum one!) (just kidding)

  5. Skeptic or not, things don't just happen because you say something - you have to take action.

    Simple basic principle - for every action there is an inverse and opposite reaction. Spoken words cannot do this - unless of course the voice is enhanced to produce incredible decibels - then you can have a reaction! Especially on glass.

    Please don’t look at yourself as being a negative influence over inert objects such as a mirror. You are however very correct in your thinking that if you fester negative thoughts, this can have negative outcome and bearing on those around you.

    May I suggest, and this is merely a suggestion, that you get yourself some positive thought books?? Just a thought - it may help you with understanding negative personalities.

    On personalities there is a great book called "Personalities Plus" by Florence Littauer. Then get some books that are by or about Tiger Woods life and how he uses the power of the mind to perform amazing feats on the golf course. Now I am not saying you should become a Tiger Woods, however, just try to turn you negative thoughts into more productive positive ones.

    I am not trying to be facetious or the like I am just trying to point out that if you feel there are some negative influences you are portraying, use the power of the mind to turn it back on itself and in to something good!

    Good Luck!

    (btw Deenie even though we may disagree on many things, I gave you a thumbs up for your aluminum hat comment! LOL)

  6. Bloody Mary is NOT true. But I am a firm believer in- be careful what u wish for. What comes around goes around. there are alot of sites out there for negetive energy and bad spirits, but why not be enlightened? insite with positive energy is much better.The site below is much more positive then what u seem to be dealing with.


  7. Hmm, a paranormal question without any negative responses.  Wow.

    I agree with these answers (though I've never heard of Beenie's), except I do have somewhat of an interest in mysticism and spirituality as well.  If you do believe you can affect the world around you with thoughts, then so be it.  I know we can't say, following conventional science, that you can send your energy to others.  I do, however, believe my positive thoughts do help.  It's more of a spiritual thing, so we should make that distinction.  And if you see things that way, then don't worry about your stray thoughts causing a ruckus or calling on some evil spirit.  From a spiritual standpoint, you normally only pray to, meditate over, or send your energy to influence the things you want to happen.

  8. The only thoughts that you can control are your own.

    But to assume your thoughts are creating negative energy around you rather makes you out as being either paranoid or the martyr in the family.

    That kind of thinking will give you an ulcer.

    Bloody Mary is an urban legend that kids use to scare one another.

    No different than telling ghost stories around a campfire.

    It's up to you to decipher fact from fiction.

  9. "Are your thoughts private?"

    I'll say it again 'there are no secrets'.

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